Moodle APIs 4.3
Moodle 4.3.6 (Build: 20240812)
This is the complete list of members for question_edit_form, including all inherited members.
$_ajaxformdata | moodleform | protected |
$_customdata | moodleform | protected |
$_definition_finalized | moodleform | protected |
$_form | moodleform | protected |
$_formname | moodleform | protected |
$_validated | moodleform | protected |
$category (defined in question_edit_form) | question_edit_form | protected |
$categorycontext (defined in question_edit_form) | question_edit_form | protected |
$context | question_edit_form | |
$contexts (defined in question_edit_form) | question_edit_form | protected |
$customfieldhandler | question_edit_form | protected |
$customfieldpluginenabled | question_edit_form | protected |
$editoroptions | question_edit_form | |
$fileoptions | question_edit_form | |
$instance | question_edit_form | |
$question | question_edit_form | protected |
$uniqueid | moodleform | protectedstatic |
__construct($submiturl, $question, $category, $contexts, $formeditable=true) (defined in question_edit_form) | question_edit_form | |
question_wizard_form::__construct($action=null, $customdata=null, $method='post', $target='', $attributes=null, $editable=true, $ajaxformdata=null) | moodleform | |
_get_post_params() | moodleform | protected |
_process_submission($method) | moodleform | |
_validate_files(&$files) | moodleform | |
add_action_buttons($cancel=true, $submitlabel=null) | moodleform | |
add_checkbox_controller($groupid, $text=null, $attributes=null, $originalValue=0) | moodleform | |
add_combined_feedback_fields($withshownumpartscorrect=false) (defined in question_edit_form) | question_edit_form | protected |
add_hidden_fields() | question_wizard_form | protected |
add_interactive_settings($withclearwrong=false, $withshownumpartscorrect=false) (defined in question_edit_form) | question_edit_form | protected |
add_per_answer_fields(&$mform, $label, $gradeoptions, $minoptions=QUESTION_NUMANS_START, $addoptions=QUESTION_NUMANS_ADD) | question_edit_form | protected |
add_sticky_action_buttons(bool $cancel=true, ?string $submitlabel=null) | moodleform | |
add_tag_fields($mform) | question_edit_form | protected |
after_definition() | moodleform | protected |
can_preview() | question_edit_form | protected |
data_preprocessing($question) | question_edit_form | protected |
data_preprocessing_answers($question, $withanswerfiles=false) | question_edit_form | protected |
data_preprocessing_combined_feedback($question, $withshownumcorrect=false) | question_edit_form | protected |
data_preprocessing_extra_answer_field($answer, $field) | question_edit_form | protected |
data_preprocessing_extra_answer_fields($question, $extraanswerfields) | question_edit_form | protected |
data_preprocessing_hints($question, $withclearwrong=false, $withshownumpartscorrect=false) | question_edit_form | protected |
DEFAULT_NUM_HINTS (defined in question_edit_form) | question_edit_form | |
definition() | question_edit_form | protected |
definition_after_data() | question_edit_form | |
definition_inner($mform) | question_edit_form | protected |
display() | moodleform | |
filter_shown_headers(array $shownonly) | moodleform | |
focus($name=NULL) | moodleform | |
get_array_value_by_keys(array $array, array $keys) | moodleform | protected |
get_data() | moodleform | |
get_default_value(string $name, $default) | question_edit_form | protected |
get_draft_files($elname) | moodleform | protected |
get_file_content($elname) | moodleform | |
get_form_identifier() | moodleform | protected |
get_hint_fields($withclearwrong=false, $withshownumpartscorrect=false) | question_edit_form | protected |
get_js_module() | moodleform | static |
get_more_choices_string() | question_edit_form | protected |
get_new_filename($elname=null) | moodleform | |
get_non_collabsible_editor_options() | question_edit_form | protected |
get_per_answer_fields($mform, $label, $gradeoptions, &$repeatedoptions, &$answersoption) | question_edit_form | protected |
get_submitted_data() | moodleform | |
init_javascript_enhancement($element, $enhancement, array $options=array(), array $strings=null) | moodleform | |
is_cancelled() | moodleform | |
is_submitted() | moodleform | |
is_validated() | moodleform | |
mock_ajax_submit($simulatedsubmitteddata, $simulatedsubmittedfiles=array(), $method='post', $formidentifier=null) | moodleform | static |
mock_generate_submit_keys($data=[]) | moodleform | static |
mock_submit($simulatedsubmitteddata, $simulatedsubmittedfiles=array(), $method='post', $formidentifier=null) | moodleform | static |
moodleform($action=null, $customdata=null, $method='post', $target='', $attributes=null, $editable=true) | moodleform | |
no_submit_button_pressed() | moodleform | |
optional_param($name, $default, $type) | moodleform | |
qtype() | question_edit_form | |
render() | moodleform | |
repeat_elements($elementobjs, $repeats, $options, $repeathiddenname, $addfieldsname, $addfieldsno=5, $addstring=null, $addbuttoninside=false, $deletebuttonname='') | moodleform | |
repeat_elements_fix_clone($i, $elementclone, &$namecloned) | moodleform | |
save_file($elname, $pathname, $override=false) | moodleform | |
save_files($destination) | moodleform | |
save_stored_file($elname, $newcontextid, $newcomponent, $newfilearea, $newitemid, $newfilepath='/', $newfilename=null, $overwrite=false, $newuserid=null) | moodleform | |
save_temp_file($elname) | moodleform | |
set_data($question) | question_edit_form | |
set_display_vertical() | moodleform | |
set_initial_dirty_state($state=false) | moodleform | |
validate_defined_fields($validateonnosubmit=false) | moodleform | |
validate_draft_files() | moodleform | protected |
validation($fromform, $files) | question_edit_form |