Moodle APIs 4.3
Moodle 4.3.6 (Build: 20240812)


directory locks
directory stores


namespace  core_cache
 Cache administration helper.
namespace  core_cache\local
 Cache display administration helper.


class  cache
 The main cache class. More...
class  cache_application
 An application cache. More...
class  cache_config
 Cache configuration reader. More...
class  cache_config_disabled
 The cache config class used when the Cache has been disabled. More...
interface  cache_data_source
 Cache Data Source. More...
interface  cache_data_source_versionable
 Versionable cache data source. More...
class  cache_definition
 The cache definition class. More...
class  cache_definition_mappings_form
 Form to set definition mappings. More...
class  cache_definition_sharing_form
 Form to set definition sharing option. More...
class  cache_disabled
 Required as it is needed for cache_config_disabled which extends cache_config_writer. More...
class  cache_factory
 The cache factory class. More...
class  cache_factory_disabled
 The cache factory class used when the Cache has been disabled. More...
class  cache_helper
 The cache helper class. More...
interface  cache_is_configurable
 Cache store feature: configurable. More...
interface  cache_is_key_aware
 Cache store feature: key awareness. More...
interface  cache_is_lockable
 Cache store feature: locking. More...
interface  cache_is_searchable
 Cache store feature: keys are searchable. More...
interface  cache_loader
 Cache Loader. More...
interface  cache_loader_with_locking
 Cache Loader supporting locking. More...
class  cache_lock_form
 Form to add a cache lock instance. More...
interface  cache_lock_interface
 Cache lock interface. More...
class  cache_mode_mappings_form
 Form to set the mappings for a mode. More...
class  cache_request
 An request cache. More...
class  cache_session
 A session cache. More...
class  cache_store
 Abstract cache store class. More...
interface  cache_store_interface
 Cache store interface. More...
interface  cacheable_object
 Cacheable object. More...
class  cachestore_addinstance_form
 Add store instance form. More...
class  cachestore_dummy
 The cache dummy store. More...
class  core_cache\administration_helper
 Administration helper base class. More...
class  core_cache\local\administration_display_helper
 A cache helper for administration tasks. More...


 Core cache definitions.

Detailed Description

Variable Documentation

◆ $definitions


Core cache definitions.

This file is part of Moodle's cache API, affectionately called MUC. It contains the components that are requried in order to use caching.

License GNU GPL v3 or later