global | $CFG |
| $CFG = new stdClass() |
if(file_exists('install/distrolib.php')) | $config = new stdClass() |
| $configfile = './config.php' |
global | $COURSE |
| $COURSE = new stdClass() |
| $distro = null |
| $hint_admindir = '' |
| $hint_database = '' |
| $hint_dataroot = '' |
| $languages = get_string_manager()->get_list_of_translations() |
| $memlimit = @ini_get('memory_limit') |
global | $SESSION |
global | $SITE |
global | $USER |
$config | admin = 'admin' |
$CFG | admin = $config->admin |
const | AJAX_SCRIPT false |
$CFG | backuptempdir = $CFG->tempdir.'/backup' |
const | CACHE_DISABLE_ALL true |
$CFG | cachedir = $CFG->dataroot.'/cache' |
const | CLI_SCRIPT (file_exists($configfile)) false |
$config | dataroot = empty($distro->dataroot) ? null : $distro->dataroot |
$CFG | dataroot = $config->dataroot |
$config | dbhost = empty($distro->dbhost) ? 'localhost' : $distro->dbhost |
$config | dbname = 'moodle' |
$config | dbpass = '' |
$config | dbport = empty($distro->dbport) ? '' : $distro->dbport |
$config | dbsocket = empty($distro->dbsocket) ? '' : $distro->dbsocket |
$config | dbtype = empty($distro->dbtype) ? '' : $distro->dbtype |
$config | dbuser = empty($distro->dbuser) ? '' : $distro->dbuser |
$CFG | debug = (E_ALL | E_STRICT) |
$CFG | debugdeveloper = true |
$CFG | debugdisplay = true |
| die |
$CFG | directorypermissions = isset($distro->directorypermissions) ? $distro->directorypermissions : 00777 |
$CFG | dirroot = __DIR__ |
$CFG | docroot = 'https://docs.moodle.org' |
$CFG | early_install_lang = true |
if(isset($_REQUEST['lang'])) | else |
| This script creates config.php file during installation.
if(isset($_REQUEST['admin'])) | else |
if(!function_exists( 'iconv')) if(PHP_INT_SIZE > 4) | else |
if(!empty($_POST)) | else |
if(defined('COMPONENT_CLASSLOADER')) | else |
if($distro) | else |
$CFG | filepermissions = ($CFG->directorypermissions & 0666) |
| foreach ( $languages as $name=> $value) = core_plugin_manager::instance()->get_plugins_of_type('local') |
| Add all local plugins - must be always last!
$CFG | httpswwwroot = $CFG->wwwroot |
$COURSE | id = 1 |
| if (!empty( $memlimit) and $memlimit !=-1) |
$config | lang = $lang |
$CFG | lang = $config->lang |
$CFG | langlocalroot = $CFG->dataroot.'/lang' |
$CFG | langotherroot = $CFG->dataroot.'/lang' |
$CFG | libdir = "$CFG->dirroot/lib" |
$CFG | localcachedir = $CFG->dataroot.'/localcache' |
const | MDL_PERF false |
const | MDL_PERF_TEST false |
const | MDL_PERFINC false |
const | MDL_PERFTOFOOT false |
const | MDL_PERFTOLOG false |
const | MOODLE_INTERNAL true |
| Used by library scripts to check they are being called by Moodle.
$CFG | ostype = (stristr(PHP_OS, 'win') && !stristr(PHP_OS, 'darwin')) ? 'WINDOWS' : 'UNIX' |
const | PHPUNIT_TEST false |
$config | prefix = 'mdl_' |
$CFG | running_installer = true |
const | SITEID 1 |
if(isset($_GET['help'])) if(is_null( $CFG->dataroot)) if($config->stage< INSTALL_WELCOME) if( $config->stage > INSTALL_SAVE) if($config->stage==INSTALL_SAVE) if( $config->stage==INSTALL_DOWNLOADLANG) if($config->stage==INSTALL_DOWNLOADLANG) if( $config->stage==INSTALL_DATABASETYPE) if($config->stage==INSTALL_DOWNLOADLANG) if( $config->stage==INSTALL_DATABASE) if($config->stage==INSTALL_DATABASETYPE) if( $config->stage==INSTALL_ENVIRONMENT or $config->stage==INSTALL_PATHS) if($config->stage==INSTALL_PATHS) $config | stage = INSTALL_WELCOME |
$CFG | target_release = $release |
$CFG | tempdir = $CFG->dataroot.'/temp' |
$CFG | umaskpermissions = (($CFG->directorypermissions & 0777) ^ 0777) |
$CFG | wwwroot = install_guess_wwwroot() |