Moodle APIs 4.3
Moodle 4.3.6 (Build: 20240812)
component.php File Reference


class  core_component
 Collection of components related methods. More...


static fill_classmap_renames_cache ()
 Records all class renames that have been made to facilitate autoloading.
static get_all_component_hash (?array $components=null)
 Returns hash of all core + plugin /db/ directories.
static get_all_directory_hashes (?array $directories=null)
 Get the hashes of all core + plugin /db/ directories.
static get_all_versions ()
 Returns hash of all versions including core and all plugins.
static get_all_versions_hash ()
 Returns hash of all versions including core and all plugins.
static get_component_classes_in_namespace ($component=null, $namespace='')
 Returns all classes in a component matching the provided namespace.
static get_component_directory ($component)
 Return exact absolute path to a plugin directory.
static get_component_from_classname (string $classname)
 Fetch the component name from a Moodle PSR-like namespace.
static get_component_list ()
 Returns a list of frankenstyle component names and their paths, for all components (plugins and subsystems).
static get_component_names (bool $includecore=false,)
 Returns a list of frankenstyle component names, including all plugins, subplugins, and subsystems.
static get_core_api_names ()
 Returns the list of available API names.
static get_core_apis ()
 List all core APIs and their attributes.
static get_core_subsystems ()
 List all core subsystems and their location.
static get_plugin_directory ($plugintype, $pluginname)
 Returns the exact absolute path to plugin directory.
static get_plugin_list ($plugintype)
 Get list of plugins of given type.
static get_plugin_list_with_class ($plugintype, $class, $file=null)
 Get a list of all the plugins of a given type that define a certain class in a certain file.
static get_plugin_list_with_file ($plugintype, $file, $include=false)
 Get a list of all the plugins of a given type that contain a particular file.
static get_plugin_types ()
 Get list of available plugin types together with their location.
static get_plugin_types_with_subplugins ()
 Returns list of plugin types that allow subplugins.
static get_subplugins ($component)
 Return all subplugins of this component.
static get_subsystem_directory ($subsystem)
 Returns the exact absolute path to plugin directory.
static get_subtype_parent ($type)
 Returns parent of this subplugin type.
static has_monologo_icon (string $plugintype, string $pluginname)
 Checks for the presence of monologo icons within a plugin.
static invalidate_opcode_php_cache ($file)
 Invalidate opcode cache for given file, this is intended for php files that are stored in dataroot.
static is_core_api ($apiname)
 Return true if apiname is a core API.
static is_core_subsystem ($subsystemname)
 Return true if subsystemname is core subsystem.
static is_valid_plugin_name ($plugintype, $pluginname)
 This method validates a plug name.
static load_renamed_classes (?string $fulldir)
 Loads the db/renamedclasses.php file from the given directory.
static normalize_component ($component)
 Normalize the component name using the "frankenstyle" rules.
static normalize_componentname ($componentname)
 Normalize the component name.


const ANY_VERSION 'any'
 Any version - special value that can be used in $plugin->dependencies in version.php files.
 Software maturity level - internals can be tested using white box techniques.
 Software maturity level - feature complete, ready for preview and testing.
const MATURITY_RC 150
 Software maturity level - tested, will be released unless there are fatal bugs.
 Software maturity level - ready for production deployment.