Moodle APIs 4.3
Moodle 4.3.6 (Build: 20240812)




namespace  repository_contentbank
 Utility class for searching of content bank files.
namespace  repository_contentbank\browser
 Utility class for browsing of content bank files.
namespace  repository_contentbank\privacy
 Privacy Subsystem implementation for repository_contentbank.


class  repository_contentbank
 repository_contentbank class is used to browse the content bank files More...
class  repository_contentbank\browser\contentbank_browser
 Base class for the content bank browsers. More...
class  repository_contentbank\browser\contentbank_browser_context_course
 Represents the content bank browser in the course context. More...
class  repository_contentbank\browser\contentbank_browser_context_coursecat
 Represents the content bank browser in the course category context. More...
class  repository_contentbank\browser\contentbank_browser_context_system
 Represents the content bank browser in the system context. More...
class  repository_contentbank\contentbank_search
 Represents the content bank search related functionality. More...
class  repository_contentbank\helper
 Helper class for content bank files repository. More...
class  repository_contentbank\privacy\provider
 Privacy Subsystem for repository_contentbank implementing null_provider. More...


 xmldb_repository_contentbank_install ()
 Create a default instance of the content bank repository.


 $plugin = 2023100400
$plugin component = 'repository_contentbank'
$plugin version = 2023100900

Detailed Description

Function Documentation

◆ xmldb_repository_contentbank_install()

xmldb_repository_contentbank_install ( )

Create a default instance of the content bank repository.

Return values
boolA status indicating success or failure