| uu_allowed_roles () |
| Returns list of roles that are assignable in courses.
| uu_allowed_roles_cache (?int $categoryid=null, ?int $courseid=null) |
| Returns assignable roles for current user using short role name and role ID as index.
| uu_allowed_sysroles_cache () |
| Returns mapping of all system roles using short role name as index.
| uu_check_custom_profile_data (&$data, array &$profilefieldvalues=[]) |
| Checks if data provided for custom fields is correct Currently checking for custom profile field or type menu.
| uu_increment_username ($username) |
| Increments username - increments trailing number or adds it if not present.
| uu_pre_process_custom_profile_data ($data) |
| Pre process custom profile data, and update it with corrected value.
| uu_process_template ($template, $user) |
| Check if default field contains templates and apply them.
| uu_process_template_callback ($username, $firstname, $lastname, $block) |
| Internal callback function.
| uu_supported_auths () |
| Returns list of auth plugins that are enabled and known to work.
| uu_validate_user_upload_columns (csv_import_reader $cir, $stdfields, $profilefields, moodle_url $returnurl) |
| Validation callback function - verified the column line of csv file.