Moodle APIs 4.3
Moodle 4.3.6 (Build: 20240812)




directory analytics
directory backup
directory navigation


namespace  mod_feedback
namespace  mod_feedback\analytics\indicator
namespace  mod_feedback\completion
namespace  mod_feedback\event
namespace  mod_feedback\external
namespace  mod_feedback\form
namespace  mod_feedback\output
namespace  mod_feedback\privacy
namespace  mod_feedback\search


class  backup_feedback_activity_structure_step
 Define all the backup steps that will be used by the backup_feedback_activity_task. More...
class  feedback_edit_create_template_form
 The feedback_edit_create_template_form. More...
class  feedback_edit_use_template_form
 The feedback_edit_use_template_form. More...
class  feedback_import_form
class  mod_feedback\analytics\indicator\activity_base
 Activity base class. More...
class  mod_feedback\analytics\indicator\cognitive_depth
 Cognitive depth indicator - feedback. More...
class  mod_feedback\analytics\indicator\social_breadth
 Social breadth indicator - feedback. More...
class  mod_feedback\completion\custom_completion
 Activity custom completion subclass for the feedback activity. More...
class  mod_feedback\dates
 Class for fetching the important dates in mod_feedback for a given module instance and a user. More...
class  mod_feedback\event\course_module_instance_list_viewed
 The mod_feedback instance list viewed event class. More...
class  mod_feedback\event\response_deleted
 The mod_feedback response deleted event class. More...
class  mod_feedback\event\response_submitted
 The mod_feedback response submitted event class. More...
class  mod_feedback\external\feedback_completed_exporter
 Class for exporting a feedback completion record. More...
class  mod_feedback\external\feedback_completedtmp_exporter
 Class for exporting a feedback temporary completion record. More...
class  mod_feedback\external\feedback_item_exporter
 Class for exporting a feedback item (question). More...
class  mod_feedback\external\feedback_summary_exporter
 Class for exporting partial feedback data (some fields are only viewable by admins). More...
class  mod_feedback\external\feedback_value_exporter
 Class for exporting a feedback response. More...
class  mod_feedback\external\feedback_valuetmp_exporter
 Class for exporting a feedback tmp response. More...
class  mod_feedback\form\create_template_form
 Prints the create new template form. More...
class  mod_feedback\form\use_template_form
 Prints the confirm use template form. More...
class  mod_feedback\output\base_action_bar
 Class base_action_bar. More...
class  mod_feedback\output\edit_action_bar
 Class actionbar - Display the action bar. More...
class  mod_feedback\output\edit_template_action_bar
 Class actionbar - Display the action bar. More...
class  mod_feedback\output\renderer
 Class renderer. More...
class  mod_feedback\output\responses_action_bar
 Class responses_action_bar. More...
class  mod_feedback\output\standard_action_bar
 Class standard_action_bar. More...
class  mod_feedback\output\summary
 Class to help display feedback summary. More...
class  mod_feedback\privacy\provider
 Data provider class. More...
class  mod_feedback\search\activity
 Search area for mod_feedback activities. More...
class  mod_feedback_complete_form
 Class mod_feedback_complete_form. More...
class  mod_feedback_completion
 Collects information and methods about feedback completion (either complete.php or show_entries.php) More...
class  mod_feedback_course_map_form
 Form for mapping courses to the feedback. More...
class  mod_feedback_course_select_form
 Form for mapping courses to the feedback. More...
class  mod_feedback_mod_form
class  mod_feedback_observer
 Event observers supported by this module. More...
class  mod_feedback_responses_anon_table
 Class mod_feedback_responses_anon_table. More...
class  mod_feedback_responses_table
 Class mod_feedback_responses_table. More...
class  mod_feedback_structure
 Stores and manipulates the structure of the feedback or template (items, pages, etc.) More...
class  mod_feedback_templates_table
 Class mod_feedback_templates_table. More...
class  mod_feedback_use_templ_form
 The mod_feedback_use_templ_form. More...
class  moodle1_mod_feedback_handler
 Feedback module conversion handler. More...
class  restore_feedback_activity_structure_step
 Define all the restore steps that will be used by the restore_feedback_activity_task. More...
class  restore_feedback_activity_task
 feedback restore task that provides all the settings and steps to perform one complete restore of the activity More...


 feedback_get_completion_state ()
 List of deprecated mod_feedback functions.
 xmldb_feedback_upgrade ($oldversion)


 $activated = array()
global $CFG
global $CFG
 $context = context_module::instance($usedid)
 $courseid = optional_param('courseid', false, PARAM_INT)
 $feedback_version_intern = 1
 $inactive = array()
 Defines message providers (types of messages being sent)
 $plugin = 2023100400
 $row = array()
 $row [] = new tabobject('view', $viewurl->out(), get_string('overview', 'feedback'))
 $tabs = array()
 $urlparams = ['id' => $usedid]
if(!isset($current_tab)) $viewurl = new moodle_url('/mod/feedback/view.php', array('id' => $usedid))
$plugin component = 'mod_feedback'
$plugin cron = 0
if(isset($cmid) AND intval($cmid) AND $cmid > 0) else
 if (!defined( 'MOODLE_INTERNAL'))
 prints the forms to choose an item-typ to create items and to choose a template to use
 if (!defined( 'MOODLE_INTERNAL'))
 prints the forms to choose an xml-template file to import items
 if (!defined( 'MOODLE_INTERNAL'))
 print the form to add or edit a feedback-instance
 if (!defined( 'MOODLE_INTERNAL'))
 prints the form to confirm use template
$plugin version = 2023100900

Detailed Description

Function Documentation

◆ feedback_get_completion_state()

feedback_get_completion_state ( )

List of deprecated mod_feedback functions.

License GNU GPL v3 or later
since Moodle 3.11

Variable Documentation

◆ $messageproviders

Initial value:
= array (
'submission' => array (
'message' => array (

Defines message providers (types of messages being sent)

License GNU GPL v3 or later

◆ else

if (isset( $cmid) AND intval( $cmid) AND $cmid > 0) else
Initial value:
$usedid = $id

◆ if [1/4]

if(!defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL')) ( ! defined 'MOODLE_INTERNAL')

prints the forms to choose an item-typ to create items and to choose a template to use

Andreas Grabs
License GNU Public License

◆ if [2/4]

if(!defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL')) ( ! defined 'MOODLE_INTERNAL')

prints the forms to choose an xml-template file to import items

Andreas Grabs
License GNU Public License

◆ if [3/4]

if(!defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL')) ( ! defined 'MOODLE_INTERNAL')

print the form to add or edit a feedback-instance

Andreas Grabs
License GNU Public License

◆ if [4/4]

if(!defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL')) ( ! defined 'MOODLE_INTERNAL')

prints the form to confirm use template

Andreas Grabs
License GNU Public License