| assign_capability ($capability, $permission, $roleid, $contextid, $overwrite=false, array $performancehints=[]) |
| Function to write context specific overrides, or default capabilities.
| assign_legacy_capabilities ($capability, $legacyperms) |
| Assign the defaults found in this capability definition to roles that have the corresponding legacy capabilities assigned to them.
| can_access_course (stdClass $course, $user=null, $withcapability='', $onlyactive=false) |
| Returns true if the user is able to access the course.
| component_level_changed ($cap, $comp, $contextlevel) |
| Aids in detecting if a new line is required when reading a new capability.
| core_role_set_assign_allowed ($fromroleid, $targetroleid) |
| Creates a record in the role_allow_assign table.
| core_role_set_override_allowed ($fromroleid, $targetroleid) |
| Creates a record in the role_allow_override table.
| core_role_set_switch_allowed ($fromroleid, $targetroleid) |
| Creates a record in the role_allow_switch table.
| core_role_set_view_allowed ($fromroleid, $targetroleid) |
| Creates a record in the role_allow_view table.
| count_role_users ($roleid, context $context, $parent=false) |
| Counts all the users assigned this role in this context or higher.
| create_role ($name, $shortname, $description, $archetype='') |
| Function that creates a role.
| delete_role ($roleid) |
| Function that deletes a role and cleanups up after it.
| extract_suspended_users ($context, &$users, $ignoreusers=array()) |
| Given context and array of users, returns array of users whose enrolment status is suspended, or enrolment has expired or has not started.
| fix_role_sortorder ($allroles) |
| Fix the roles.sortorder field in the database, so it contains sequential integers, and return an array of roleids in order.
| get_all_capabilities () |
| Returns all capabilitiy records, preferably from MUC and not database.
| get_all_risks () |
| Returns an array of all the known types of risk The array keys can be used, for example as CSS class names, or in calls to print_risk_icon.
| get_all_roles (context $context=null) |
| Returns all site roles in correct sort order.
| get_archetype_roles ($archetype) |
| Returns roles of a specified archetype.
| get_assignable_roles (context $context, $rolenamedisplay=ROLENAME_ALIAS, $withusercounts=false, $user=null) |
| Gets a list of roles that this user can assign in this context.
| get_capabilities_from_role_on_context ($role, context $context) |
| Get all capabilities for this role on this context (overrides)
| get_capability_docs_link ($capability) |
| Return a link to moodle docs for a given capability name.
| get_capability_info ($capabilityname) |
| Returns capability information (cached)
| get_capability_string ($capabilityname) |
| Returns the human-readable, translated version of the capability.
| get_component_string ($component, $contextlevel) |
| This gets the mod/block/course/core etc strings.
| get_context_info_array ($contextid) |
| Returns context instance plus related course and cm instances.
| get_default_capabilities ($archetype) |
| Returns default capabilities for given role archetype.
| get_default_contextlevels ($rolearchetype) |
| Returns default context levels where roles can be assigned.
| get_default_enrol_roles (context $context, $addroleid=null) |
| Create a role menu suitable for default role selection in enrol plugins.
| get_default_role_archetype_allows ($type, $archetype) |
| Return default roles that can be assigned, overridden or switched by give role archetype.
| get_deprecated_capability_info ($capabilityname) |
| Returns deprecation info for this particular capabilty (cached)
| get_guest_role () |
| Get the default guest role, this is used for guest account, search engine spiders, etc.
| get_local_override ($roleid, $contextid, $capability) |
| Get the local override (if any) for a given capability in a role in a context.
| get_overridable_roles (context $context, $rolenamedisplay=ROLENAME_ALIAS, $withcounts=false) |
| Gets a list of roles that this user can override in this context.
| get_profile_roles (context $context) |
| Gets the list of roles assigned to this context and up (parents) from the aggregation of: a) the list of roles that are visible on user profile page and participants page (profileroles setting) and; b) if applicable, those roles that are assigned in the context.
| get_role_archetypes () |
| Returns array of all role archetypes.
| get_role_contextlevels ($roleid) |
| Return context levels where this role is assignable.
| get_role_definitions (array $roleids) |
| Fetch raw "site wide" role definitions.
| get_role_definitions_uncached (array $roleids) |
| Query raw "site wide" role definitions.
| get_role_names_with_caps_in_context ($context, $capabilities) |
| Returns an array of role names that have ALL of the the supplied capabilities Uses get_roles_with_caps_in_context().
| get_role_users ($roleid, context $context, $parent=false, $fields='', $sort=null, $all=true, $group='', $limitfrom='', $limitnum='', $extrawheretest='', $whereorsortparams=array()) |
| Gets all the users assigned this role in this context or higher.
| get_roles_for_contextlevels ($contextlevel) |
| Return roles suitable for assignment at the specified context level.
| get_roles_used_in_context (context $context, $includeparents=true) |
| Gets the list of roles assigned to this context and up (parents)
| get_roles_with_cap_in_context ($context, $capability) |
| Returns two lists, this can be used to find out if user has capability.
| get_roles_with_capability ($capability, $permission=null, $context=null) |
| Get the roles that have a given capability assigned to it.
| get_roles_with_caps_in_context ($context, $capabilities) |
| Returns an array of role IDs that have ALL of the the supplied capabilities Uses get_roles_with_cap_in_context().
| get_roles_with_override_on_context (context $context) |
| Get any role that has an override on exact context.
| get_sorted_contexts ($select, $params=array()) |
| Runs get_records select on context table and returns the result Does get_records_select on the context table, and returns the results ordered by contextlevel, and then the natural sort order within each level.
| get_suspended_userids (context $context, $usecache=false) |
| Given context and array of users, returns array of user ids whose enrolment status is suspended, or enrolment has expired or not started.
| get_switchable_roles (context $context, $rolenamedisplay=ROLENAME_ALIAS) |
| Gets a list of roles that this user can switch to in a context.
| get_user_capability_contexts (string $capability, bool $getcategories, $userid=null, $doanything=true, $coursefieldsexceptid='', $categoryfieldsexceptid='', $courseorderby='', $categoryorderby='', $limit=0) |
| This function gets the list of course and course category contexts that this user has a particular capability in.
| get_user_capability_course ($capability, $userid=null, $doanything=true, $fieldsexceptid='', $orderby='', $limit=0) |
| This function gets the list of courses that this user has a particular capability in.
| get_user_roles (context $context, $userid=0, $checkparentcontexts=true, $order='c.contextlevel DESC, r.sortorder ASC') |
| Gets all the user roles assigned in this context, or higher contexts this is mainly used when checking if a user can assign a role, or overriding a role i.e.
| get_user_roles_in_course ($userid, $courseid) |
| This function is used to print roles column in user profile page.
| get_user_roles_with_special (context $context, $userid=0) |
| Like get_user_roles, but adds in the authenticated user role, and the front page roles, if applicable.
| get_users_by_capability (context $context, $capability, $fields='', $sort='', $limitfrom='', $limitnum='', $groups='', $exceptions='', $notuseddoanything=null, $notusedview=null, $useviewallgroups=false) |
| Who has this capability in this context?
| get_users_from_role_on_context ($role, context $context) |
| Find all user assignment of users for this role, on this context.
| get_users_roles (context $context, $userids=[], $checkparentcontexts=true, $order='c.contextlevel DESC, r.sortorder ASC') |
| Gets all the user roles assigned in this context, or higher contexts for a list of users.
| get_viewable_roles (context $context, $userid=null, $rolenamedisplay=ROLENAME_ALIAS) |
| Gets a list of roles that this user can view in a context.
| get_with_capability_join (context $context, $capability, $useridcolumn) |
| Gets sql joins for finding users with capability in the given context.
| get_with_capability_sql (context $context, $capability) |
| Gets sql for finding users with capability in the given context.
| guess_if_creator_will_have_course_capability ($capability, context $context, $user=null) |
| Is course creator going to have capability in a new course?
| has_all_capabilities (array $capabilities, context $context, $user=null, $doanything=true) |
| Check if the user has all the capabilities in a list.
| has_any_capability (array $capabilities, context $context, $user=null, $doanything=true) |
| Check if the user has any one of several capabilities from a list.
| has_capability ($capability, context $context, $user=null, $doanything=true) |
| Check whether a user has a particular capability in a given context.
| has_coursecontact_role ($userid) |
| Returns true if user has at least one role assign of 'coursecontact' role (is potentially listed in some course descriptions).
| is_guest (context $context, $user=null) |
| Does user have a (temporary or real) guest access to course?
| is_inside_frontpage (context $context) |
| Check if context is the front page context or a context inside it.
| is_role_switched ($courseid) |
| Checks if the user has switched roles within the given course.
| is_safe_capability ($capability) |
| Verify capability risks.
| is_siteadmin ($user_or_id=null) |
| Check if the user is an admin at the site level.
| is_viewing (context $context, $user=null, $withcapability='') |
| Returns true if the user has moodle/course:view capability in the course, this is intended for admins, managers (aka small admins), inspectors, etc.
| isguestuser ($user=null) |
| Determines if a user is logged in as real guest user with username 'guest'.
| isloggedin () |
| Determines if a user is currently logged in.
| load_temp_course_role (context_course $coursecontext, $roleid) |
| Adds a temp role to current USER->access array.
| mark_user_dirty ($userid) |
| Mark a user as dirty (with timestamp) so as to force reloading of the user session.
| prohibit_is_removable ($roleid, context $context, $capability) |
| This function verifies the prohibit comes from this context and there are no more prohibits in parent contexts.
| remove_temp_course_roles (context_course $coursecontext) |
| Removes any extra guest roles from current USER->access array.
| require_all_capabilities (array $capabilities, context $context, $userid=null, $doanything=true, $errormessage='nopermissions', $stringfile='') |
| A convenience function that tests has_capability for a list of capabilities, and displays an error if the user does not have that capability.
| require_capability ($capability, context $context, $userid=null, $doanything=true, $errormessage='nopermissions', $stringfile='') |
| A convenience function that tests has_capability, and displays an error if the user does not have that capability.
| reset_role_capabilities ($roleid) |
| Reset role capabilities to default according to selected role archetype.
| role_assign ($roleid, $userid, $contextid, $component='', $itemid=0, $timemodified='') |
| This function makes a role-assignment (a role for a user in a particular context)
| role_cap_duplicate ($sourcerole, $targetrole) |
| Duplicates all the base definitions of a role.
| role_change_permission ($roleid, $context, $capname, $permission) |
| More user friendly role permission changing, it should produce as few overrides as possible.
| role_context_capabilities ($roleid, context $context, $cap='') |
| This function pulls out all the resolved capabilities (overrides and defaults) of a role used in capability overrides in contexts at a given context.
| role_fix_names ($roleoptions, context $context=null, $rolenamedisplay=ROLENAME_ALIAS, $returnmenu=null) |
| Prepare list of roles for display, apply aliases and localise default role names.
| role_get_description (stdClass $role) |
| Returns localised role description if available.
| role_get_name (stdClass $role, $context=null, $rolenamedisplay=ROLENAME_ALIAS) |
| Get localised role name or alias if exists and format the text.
| role_get_names (context $context=null, $rolenamedisplay=ROLENAME_ALIAS, $returnmenu=null) |
| Get all the localised role names for a context.
| role_switch ($roleid, context $context) |
| Switches the current user to another role for the current session and only in the given context.
| role_unassign ($roleid, $userid, $contextid, $component='', $itemid=0) |
| Removes one role assignment.
| role_unassign_all (array $params, $subcontexts=false, $includemanual=false) |
| Removes multiple role assignments, parameters may contain: 'roleid', 'userid', 'contextid', 'component', 'enrolid'.
| set_role_contextlevels ($roleid, array $contextlevels) |
| Set the context levels at which a particular role can be assigned.
| sort_by_roleassignment_authority ($users, context $context, $roles=array(), $sortpolicy='locality') |
| Re-sort a users array based on a sorting policy.
| switch_roles ($first, $second) |
| Switch the sort order of two roles (used in admin/roles/manage.php).
| unassign_capability ($capability, $roleid, $contextid=null) |
| Unassign a capability from a role.
| user_can_assign (context $context, $targetroleid) |
| Checks if a user can assign users to a particular role in this context.
| user_has_role_assignment ($userid, $roleid, $contextid=0) |
| Simple function returning a boolean true if user has roles in context or parent contexts, otherwise false.