Moodle APIs 4.3
Moodle 4.3.6 (Build: 20240812)
locallib.php File Reference


class  tool_customlang_menu
 Represents the action menu of the tool. More...
class  tool_customlang_translator
 Represents the translation tool. More...
class  tool_customlang_utils
 Provides various utilities to be used by the plugin. More...


static get_component_filename ($component)
 Returns the name of the file where the component's local strings should be exported into.
static get_count_of_modified ($lang)
 Returns the number of modified strings checked out in the translator.
static load_filter (stdclass $persistant)
 Loads the previously saved filter settings from a persistent storage.
static save_filter (stdclass $data, stdclass $persistant)
 Saves filter data into a persistant storage such as user session.