Moodle APIs 4.3
Moodle 4.3.6 (Build: 20240812)
upgradelib.php File Reference


class  core_upgrade_time
 Static class monitors performance of upgrade steps. More...
class  downgrade_exception
 Exception indicating downgrade error during upgrade. More...
class  plugin_defective_exception
class  plugin_incompatible_exception
 Exception thrown when attempting to install a plugin that declares incompatibility with moodle version. More...
class  plugin_misplaced_exception
 Misplaced plugin exception. More...
class  upgrade_exception
 Exception indicating unknown error during upgrade. More...
class  upgrade_requires_exception


 admin_mnet_method_get_docblock (ReflectionFunctionAbstract $function)
 Given some sort of reflection function/method object, return an array of docblock lines, where each line is an array of keywords/descriptions.
 admin_mnet_method_get_help (ReflectionFunctionAbstract $function)
 Given some sort of reflection function/method object, return just the help text.
 admin_mnet_method_profile (ReflectionFunctionAbstract $function)
 Given some sort of reflection function/method object, return a profile array, ready to be serialized and stored.
 check_admin_dir_usage (environment_results $result)
 Check whether the admin directory has been configured and warn if so.
 check_async_backup (environment_results $result)
 Check if asynchronous backups are enabled.
 check_database_storage_engine (environment_results $result)
 This function verifies that the database is not using an unsupported storage engine.
 check_database_tables_row_format (environment_results $result)
 This function verifies if the database has tables using innoDB Antelope row format.
 check_db_prefix_length (environment_results $result)
 This function checks that the database prefix ($CFG->prefix) is <= xmldb_table\PREFIX_MAX_LENGTH.
 check_igbinary322_version (environment_results $result)
 Check if the igbinary extension installed is buggy one.
 check_is_https (environment_results $result)
 Check if the site is being served using an ssl url.
 check_libcurl_version (environment_results $result)
 Check if recommended version of libcurl is installed or not.
 check_max_input_vars (environment_results $result)
 Environment check for the php setting max_input_vars.
 check_mod_assignment (environment_results $result)
 Check whether the mod_assignment is currently being used.
 check_mysql_file_format (environment_results $result)
 This function verfies that the database has tables using InnoDB Antelope row format.
 check_mysql_file_per_table (environment_results $result)
 This function verfies that the database has a setting of one file per table.
 check_mysql_incomplete_unicode_support (environment_results $result)
 This function checks the database to see if it is using incomplete unicode support.
 check_mysql_large_prefix (environment_results $result)
 This function verfies that the database has the setting of large prefix enabled.
 check_oracle_usage (environment_results $result)
 Check whether the Oracle database is currently being used and warn if so.
 check_sixtyfour_bits (environment_results $result)
 Check if the site is using 64 bits PHP.
 check_slasharguments (environment_results $result)
 Method used to check the usage of slasharguments config and display a warning message.
 check_tls_libraries (environment_results $result)
 Checks for up-to-date TLS libraries.
 check_unoconv_version (environment_results $result)
 Method used to check the installed unoconv version.
 check_upgrade_key ($upgradekeyhash)
 Assert the upgrade key is provided, if it is defined.
 check_xmlrpc_usage (environment_results $result)
 Check whether the XML-RPC protocol is enabled and warn if so.
 core_tables_exist ()
 Checks if the main tables have been installed yet or not.
 external_update_descriptions ($component)
 Web service discovery function used during install and upgrade.
 external_update_services ()
 Allow plugins and subsystems to add external functions to other plugins or built-in services.
 install_core ($version, $verbose)
 Install core moodle tables and initialize.
 log_update_descriptions ($component)
 Log_display description function used during install and upgrade.
 print_upgrade_part_end ($plugin, $installation, $verbose)
 Default end upgrade callback.
 print_upgrade_part_start ($plugin, $installation, $verbose)
 Default start upgrade callback.
 print_upgrade_separator ()
 upgrade_block_savepoint ($result, $version, $blockname, $allowabort=true)
 Blocks upgrade savepoint, marks end of blocks upgrade blocks It stores block version, resets upgrade timeout and abort upgrade if user cancels page loading.
 upgrade_component_updated (string $component, string $messageplug='', bool $coreinstall=false)
 After upgrading a module, block, or generic plugin, various parts of the system need to be informed.
 upgrade_core ($version, $verbose)
 Upgrade moodle core.
object upgrade_finished ($continueurl=null)
 Indicates upgrade is finished.
 upgrade_finished_handler ()
 Internal function - executed if upgrade interrupted.
 upgrade_handle_exception ($ex, $plugin=null)
 upgrade logging functions
object upgrade_init_javascript ()
 Sets up JS code required for all upgrade scripts.
 upgrade_install_plugins (array $installable, $confirmed, $heading='', $continue=null, $return=null)
 Helper procedure/macro for installing remote plugins at admin/index.php.
 upgrade_language_pack ($lang=null)
 Try to upgrade the given language pack (or current language)
 upgrade_log ($type, $plugin, $info, $details=null, $backtrace=null)
 Adds log entry into upgrade_log table.
 upgrade_main_savepoint ($result, $version, $allowabort=true)
 Upgrade savepoint, marks end of each upgrade block.
 upgrade_mod_savepoint ($result, $version, $modname, $allowabort=true)
 Module upgrade savepoint, marks end of module upgrade blocks It stores module version, resets upgrade timeout and abort upgrade if user cancels page loading.
 upgrade_noncore ($verbose)
 Upgrade/install other parts of moodle.
 upgrade_plugin_mnet_functions ($component)
 upgrades the mnet rpc definitions for the given component.
 upgrade_plugin_savepoint ($result, $version, $type, $plugin, $allowabort=true)
 Plugins upgrade savepoint, marks end of plugin upgrade blocks It stores plugin version, resets upgrade timeout and abort upgrade if user cancels page loading.
 upgrade_plugins ($type, $startcallback, $endcallback, $verbose)
 Upgrade plugins.
object upgrade_plugins_blocks ($startcallback, $endcallback, $verbose)
 This function finds all available blocks and install them into blocks table or do all the upgrade process if newer.
object upgrade_plugins_modules ($startcallback, $endcallback, $verbose)
 Find and check all modules and load them up or upgrade them if necessary.
 upgrade_set_timeout ($max_execution_time=300)
 Sets maximum expected time needed for upgrade task.
object upgrade_setup_debug ($starting)
 @global object
 upgrade_stale_php_files_present ()
 Detect if there are leftovers in PHP source files.
object upgrade_started ($preinstall=false)
 Marks start of upgrade, blocks any other access to site.
 upgrade_themes ()
 Build the current theme so that the user doesn't have to wait for it to build on the first page load after the install / upgrade.
