Moodle APIs 4.3
Moodle 4.3.6 (Build: 20240812)
flickrlib.php File Reference


 activity_userComments ($per_page=NULL, $page=NULL)
 These functions are the direct implementations of flickr calls.
 activity_userPhotos ($timeframe=NULL, $per_page=NULL, $page=NULL)
 auth ($perms="write", $remember_uri=true)
 auth_checkToken ()
 Authentication methods.
 auth_getFrob ()
 auth_getFullToken ($mini_token)
 auth_getToken ($frob)
 blogs_getList ()
 Blogs methods.
 blogs_postPhoto ($blog_id, $photo_id, $title, $description, $blog_password=NULL)
 buildPhotoURL ($photo, $size="Medium")
 These functions are front ends for the flickr calls.
 call ($method, $arguments)
 To use the phpFlickr\call method, pass a string containing the API method you want to use and an associative array of arguments.
 clean_text_nodes ($arr)
 contacts_getList ($filter=NULL, $page=NULL, $per_page=NULL)
 Contacts Methods.
 contacts_getPublicList ($user_id, $page=NULL, $per_page=NULL)
 favorites_add ($photo_id)
 Favorites Methods.
 favorites_getList ($user_id=NULL, $extras=NULL, $per_page=NULL, $page=NULL)
 favorites_getPublicList ($user_id=NULL, $extras=NULL, $per_page=NULL, $page=NULL)
 favorites_remove ($photo_id)
 getErrorCode ()
 getErrorMsg ()
 getFriendlyGeodata ($lat, $lon)
 groups_browse ($cat_id=NULL)
 Groups Methods.
 groups_getInfo ($group_id)
 groups_pools_add ($photo_id, $group_id)
 Groups Pools Methods.
 groups_pools_getContext ($photo_id, $group_id)
 groups_pools_getGroups ($page=NULL, $per_page=NULL)
 groups_pools_getPhotos ($group_id, $tags=NULL, $user_id=NULL, $extras=NULL, $per_page=NULL, $page=NULL)
 groups_pools_remove ($photo_id, $group_id)
 groups_search ($text, $per_page=NULL, $page=NULL)
 interestingness_getList ($date=NULL, $extras=NULL, $per_page=NULL, $page=NULL)
 Interestingness methods.
 people_findByEmail ($find_email)
 People methods.
 people_findByUsername ($username)
 people_getInfo ($user_id)
 people_getPublicGroups ($user_id)
 people_getPublicPhotos ($user_id, $extras=NULL, $per_page=NULL, $page=NULL)
 people_getUploadStatus ()
 photos_addTags ($photo_id, $tags)
 Photos Methods.
 photos_comments_addComment ($photo_id, $comment_text)
 Photos - Comments Methods.
 photos_comments_deleteComment ($comment_id)
 photos_comments_editComment ($comment_id, $comment_text)
 photos_comments_getList ($photo_id)
 photos_delete ($photo_id)
 photos_geo_getLocation ($photo_id)
 Photos - Geo Methods.
 photos_geo_getPerms ($photo_id)
 photos_geo_removeLocation ($photo_id)
 photos_geo_setLocation ($photo_id, $lat, $lon, $accuracy=NULL)
 photos_geo_setPerms ($photo_id, $is_public, $is_contact, $is_friend, $is_family)
 photos_getAllContexts ($photo_id)
 photos_getContactsPhotos ($count=NULL, $just_friends=NULL, $single_photo=NULL, $include_self=NULL, $extras=NULL)
 photos_getContactsPublicPhotos ($user_id, $count=NULL, $just_friends=NULL, $single_photo=NULL, $include_self=NULL, $extras=NULL)
 photos_getContext ($photo_id)
 photos_getCounts ($dates=NULL, $taken_dates=NULL)
 photos_getExif ($photo_id, $secret=NULL)
 photos_getFavorites ($photo_id, $page=NULL, $per_page=NULL)
 photos_getInfo ($photo_id, $secret=NULL)
 photos_getNotInSet ($min_upload_date=NULL, $max_upload_date=NULL, $min_taken_date=NULL, $max_taken_date=NULL, $privacy_filter=NULL, $extras=NULL, $per_page=NULL, $page=NULL)
 photos_getPerms ($photo_id)
 photos_getRecent ($extras=NULL, $per_page=NULL, $page=NULL)
 photos_getSizes ($photo_id)
 photos_getUntagged ($min_upload_date=NULL, $max_upload_date=NULL, $min_taken_date=NULL, $max_taken_date=NULL, $privacy_filter=NULL, $extras=NULL, $per_page=NULL, $page=NULL)
 photos_getWithGeoData ($args=NULL)
 photos_getWithoutGeoData ($args=NULL)
 photos_licenses_getInfo ()
 Photos - Licenses Methods.
 photos_licenses_setLicense ($photo_id, $license_id)
 photos_notes_add ($photo_id, $note_x, $note_y, $note_w, $note_h, $note_text)
 Photos - Notes Methods.
 photos_notes_delete ($note_id)
 photos_notes_edit ($note_id, $note_x, $note_y, $note_w, $note_h, $note_text)
 photos_recentlyUpdated ($min_date=NULL, $extras=NULL, $per_page=NULL, $page=NULL)
 photos_removeTag ($tag_id)
 photos_search ($args)
 photos_setContentType ($photo_id, $content_type)
 photos_setDates ($photo_id, $date_posted=NULL, $date_taken=NULL, $date_taken_granularity=NULL)
 photos_setMeta ($photo_id, $title, $description)
 photos_setPerms ($photo_id, $is_public, $is_friend, $is_family, $perm_comment, $perm_addmeta)
 photos_setSafetyLevel ($photo_id, $safety_level, $hidden=null)
 photos_setTags ($photo_id, $tags)
 photos_transform_rotate ($photo_id, $degrees)
 Photos - Transform Methods.
 photos_upload_checkTickets ($tickets)
 Photos - Upload Methods.
 photosets_addPhoto ($photoset_id, $photo_id)
 Photosets Methods.
 photosets_comments_addComment ($photoset_id, $comment_text)
 Photosets Comments Methods.
 photosets_comments_deleteComment ($comment_id)
 photosets_comments_editComment ($comment_id, $comment_text)
 photosets_comments_getList ($photoset_id)
 photosets_create ($title, $description, $primary_photo_id)
 photosets_delete ($photoset_id)
 photosets_editMeta ($photoset_id, $title, $description=NULL)
 photosets_editPhotos ($photoset_id, $primary_photo_id, $photo_ids)
 photosets_getContext ($photo_id, $photoset_id)
 photosets_getInfo ($photoset_id)
 photosets_getList ($user_id=NULL)
 photosets_getPhotos ($photoset_id, $extras=NULL, $privacy_filter=NULL, $per_page=NULL, $page=NULL)
 photosets_orderSets ($photoset_ids)
 photosets_removePhoto ($photoset_id, $photo_id)
 places_resolvePlaceId ($place_id)
 Places Methods.
 places_resolvePlaceURL ($url)
 prefs_getContentType ()
 Prefs Methods.
 prefs_getHidden ()
 prefs_getPrivacy ()
 prefs_getSafetyLevel ()
 reflection_getMethodInfo ($method_name)
 Reflection Methods.
 reflection_getMethods ()
 request ($command, $args=array())
 setProxy ($server, $port)
 setToken ($token)
 tags_getHotList ($period=NULL, $count=NULL)
 Tags Methods.
 tags_getListPhoto ($photo_id)
 tags_getListUser ($user_id=NULL)
 tags_getListUserPopular ($user_id=NULL, $count=NULL)
 tags_getListUserRaw ($tag)
 tags_getRelated ($tag)
 test_echo ($args=array())
 test_login ()
 upload (stored_file $photo, array $meta=array())
 Upload a photo from Moodle file pool to Flickr.
 urls_getGroup ($group_id)
 urls_getUserPhotos ($user_id=NULL)
 urls_getUserProfile ($user_id=NULL)
 urls_lookupGroup ($url)
 urls_lookupUser ($url)


$this curl = new curl(array('cache'=>true, 'module_cache'=>'repository'))
*Sourceforge Project *visit< a class="el externalurl" href="http: * * For installation instructions, open the README.txt file packaged with this * class. If you don't have a copy, you can see it at: * <a class="el externalurl" href="http:**Please submit all problems or questions to the Help Forum on my project page:*< a class="el externalurl" href="http: * * Modified by Dongsheng Cai <> * ChangeLog: * 1. Remove PEAR HTTP LIB, use curl.class.php (created by myself) * 2. Remove PEAR DB LIB * 3. Remove all cache code, it will implement in curl class. * 4. Clean up session code * * Modified by David Mudrak <> * ChangeLog: * 1. upload() method uses Moodle stored_file * 2. upload() method supports all params provided by http: * 3. auth() method shows debugging warning as this library cannot be used any * more for calling Flickr API that requires authentication. * * @ingroup moodlecore * */defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();global $CFG;require_once("{ $CFG->libdir}/flickrclient.php");class phpFlickr { var $api_key; var $secret; var $REST = 'https: var $Upload = 'https: var $Replace = 'https: var $req; var $response; var $parsed_response; var $die_on_error; var $error_code; var $error_msg; var $token; var $php_version; private curl $curl; object function __construct ($api_key, $secret = NULL, $token = '') { global $CFG; $this->api_key = $api_key; $this->secret = $secret; $this-> die_on_error = false
*Sourceforge Project Page
$this php_version = explode("-", phpversion())
$this token = $token