| bigbluebuttonbn_add_instance ($bigbluebuttonbn) |
| Given an object containing all the necessary data, (defined by the form in mod_form.php) this function will create a new instance and return the id number of the new instance.
| bigbluebuttonbn_check_updates_since (cm_info $cm, $from, $filter=[]) |
| Check if the module has any update that affects the current user since a given time.
| bigbluebuttonbn_course_backend_generator_create_activity (tool_generator_course_backend $backend, testing_data_generator $generator, int $courseid, int $number) |
| Creates a number of BigblueButtonBN activities.
| bigbluebuttonbn_delete_instance ($id) |
| Given an ID of an instance of this module, this function will permanently delete the instance and any data that depends on it.
| bigbluebuttonbn_extend_settings_navigation (settings_navigation $settingsnav, navigation_node $nodenav) |
| Adds module specific settings to the settings block.
| bigbluebuttonbn_get_completion_aggregation_state () |
| This flags this module with the capability to override the completion status with the custom completion rules.
| bigbluebuttonbn_get_coursemodule_info ($coursemodule) |
| Given a course_module object, this function returns any "extra" information that may be needed when printing this activity in a course listing.
| bigbluebuttonbn_get_extra_capabilities () |
| Returns all other caps used in module.
| bigbluebuttonbn_get_recent_mod_activity (&$activities, &$index, $timestart, $courseid, $cmid, $userid=0, $groupid=0) |
| Returns all events since a given time in specified bigbluebutton activity.
| bigbluebuttonbn_inplace_editable ($itemtype, $itemid, $newvalue) |
| In place editable for the recording table.
| bigbluebuttonbn_pluginfile ($course, $cm, $context, $filearea, $args, $forcedownload, array $options=[]) |
| Serves the bigbluebuttonbn attachments.
| bigbluebuttonbn_pre_enable_plugin_actions () |
| Callback method executed prior to enabling the activity module.
| bigbluebuttonbn_print_recent_activity (object $course, bool $viewfullnames, int $timestart) |
| Given a course and a date, prints a summary of all the activity for this module.
| bigbluebuttonbn_print_recent_mod_activity (stdClass $activity, int $courseid, bool $detail, array $modnames, bool $viewfullnames) |
| Outputs the bigbluebutton logs indicated by $activity.
| bigbluebuttonbn_reset_course_form_defaults (stdClass $course) |
| Course reset form defaults.
| bigbluebuttonbn_reset_course_form_definition (&$mform) |
| Called by course/reset.php.
| bigbluebuttonbn_reset_userdata (stdClass $data) |
| This function is used by the reset_course_userdata function in moodlelib.
| bigbluebuttonbn_supports ($feature) |
| Indicates API features that the bigbluebuttonbn supports.
| bigbluebuttonbn_update_instance ($bigbluebuttonbn) |
| Given an object containing all the necessary data, (defined by the form in mod_form.php) this function will update an existing instance with new data.
| bigbluebuttonbn_user_complete (stdClass $course, stdClass $user, cm_info $mod, stdClass $bigbluebuttonbn) |
| Print a detailed representation of what a user has done with a given particular instance of this module, for user activity reports.
| bigbluebuttonbn_user_outline (stdClass $course, stdClass $user, cm_info $mod, stdClass $bigbluebuttonbn) |
| Return a small object with summary information about what a user has done with a given particular instance of this module Used for user activity reports.
| bigbluebuttonbn_view ($bigbluebuttonbn, $course, $cm, $context) |
| Mark the activity completed (if required) and trigger the course_module_viewed event.
| mod_bigbluebuttonbn_core_calendar_is_event_visible (calendar_event $event) |
| Is the event visible?
| mod_bigbluebuttonbn_core_calendar_provide_event_action (calendar_event $event, action_factory $factory) |
| This function receives a calendar event and returns the action associated with it, or null if there is none.