Moodle APIs 4.3
Moodle 4.3.6 (Build: 20240812)
behat_course.php File Reference


class  behat_course
 Behat course-related steps definitions. More...


 actions_menu_should_be_open ($activityname)
 Checks that the specified activity's action menu is open.
 actions_menu_should_have_item ($activityname, $menuitem)
 Checks that the specified activity's action menu contains an item.
 actions_menu_should_not_have_item ($activityname, $menuitem)
 Checks that the specified activity's action menu does not contains an item.
 activity_date_in_activity_should_contain_text (string $activityname, string $text)
 Checks the presence of the given text in the activity's displayed dates.
 activity_dates_information_in_activity_should_exist (string $activityname)
 Checks the presence of activity dates information in the activity information output component.
 activity_dates_information_in_activity_should_not_exist (string $activityname)
 Checks the absence of activity dates information in the activity information output component.
 activity_should_be_available_but_hidden_from_course_page ($activityname)
 Checks that the specified activity is visible.
 activity_should_be_hidden ($activityname)
 Checks that the specified activity is hidden.
 activity_should_be_visible ($activityname)
 Checks that the specified activity is visible.
 category_actions_menu_should_have_item ($name, $menuitem)
 Checks that the specified category actions menu contains an item.
 category_actions_menu_should_not_have_item ($name, $menuitem)
 Checks that the specified category actions menu does not contain an item.
 category_in_management_listing_should_be_dimmed ($idnumber)
 Checks that a category within the management interface is dimmed.
 category_in_management_listing_should_be_visible ($idnumber)
 Checks that a category within the management interface is visible.
 course_in_management_listing_should_be_dimmed ($idnumber)
 Checks that a course within the management interface is dimmed.
 course_in_management_listing_should_be_visible ($idnumber)
 Checks that a course within the management interface is visible.
 get_activity_action_menu_node ($activityname)
 Returns the DOM node of the activity action menu.
 get_activity_element ($element, $selectortype, $activityname)
 Clicks on the specified element inside the activity container.
 get_activity_name ($activitynode)
 Gets the activity instance name from the activity node.
 get_activity_node ($activityname)
 Returns the DOM node of the activity from .
 get_course_format ()
 Gets the current course format.
 get_management_category_listing_node_by_idnumber ($idnumber)
 Returns the category node from within the listing on the management page.
 get_management_category_listing_node_by_name ($name, $link=false)
 Returns a category node from within the management interface.
 get_management_course_listing_node_by_idnumber ($idnumber)
 Returns the course node from within the listing on the management page.
 get_management_course_listing_node_by_name ($name, $link=false)
 Returns a course node from within the management interface.
 get_section_activities ($sectionxpath)
 Gets the section's activites DOM nodes.
 hide_section_link_exists ($sectionnumber)
 Returns the hide section icon link if it exists or throws exception.
 i_add_to_course_section (string $activity, string $coursefullname, string $sectionnum)
 Open a add activity form page.
 i_add_to_course_section_and_i_fill_the_form_with ($activity, $coursefullname, $section, TableNode $data)
 Adds the selected activity/resource filling the form data with the specified field/value pairs.
 i_add_to_section_using_the_activity_chooser ($activityname, $sectionnum)
 Opens the activity chooser and opens the activity/resource link form page.
 i_change_activity_name_to ($activityname, $newactivityname)
 Edits the activity name through the edit activity; this step only works with Javascript enabled.
 i_click_on_action_for_item_in_management_category_listing ($action, $name)
 Locates a category in the course category management interface and then triggers an action for it.
 i_click_on_action_for_item_in_management_course_listing ($action, $name)
 Locates a course in the course category management interface and then triggers an action for it.
 i_click_on_category_in_the_management_category_listing ($name)
 Clicks on a category in the management interface.
 i_click_on_category_in_the_management_interface ($name)
 Clicks on a category in the management interface.
 i_click_on_course_in_the_management_interface ($name)
 Clicks on a course in the management interface.
 i_click_on_in_the_activity ($element, $selectortype, $activityname)
 Clicks on the specified element of the activity.
 i_click_to_expand_category_in_the_management_interface ($idnumber)
 Click to expand a category revealing its sub categories within the management UI.
 i_click_to_move_category_by_one ($idnumber, $direction)
 Moves a category displayed in the management interface up or down one place.
 i_click_to_move_course_by_one ($idnumber, $direction)
 Moves a course displayed in the management interface up or down one place.
 i_close_actions_menu ($activityname)
 Closes an activity actions menu if it is not already closed.
 i_delete_activity ($activityname)
 Deletes the activity or resource specified by it's name.
 i_delete_section ($sectionnumber)
 Deletes course section.
 i_duplicate_activity ($activityname)
 Duplicates the activity or resource specified by it's name.
 i_duplicate_activity_editing_the_new_copy_with ($activityname, TableNode $data)
 Duplicates the activity or resource and modifies the new activity with the provided data.
 i_edit_the_section ($sectionnumber)
 Go to editing section page for specified section number.
 i_edit_the_section_and_i_fill_the_form_with ($sectionnumber, TableNode $data)
 Edit specified section and fill the form data with the specified field/value pairs.
 i_hide_section ($sectionnumber)
 Hides the specified visible section.
 i_indent_left_activity ($activityname)
 Indents to the left the activity or resource specified by it's name.
 i_indent_right_activity ($activityname)
 Indents to the right the activity or resource specified by it's name.
 i_move_activity_to_section ($activityname, $sectionnumber)
 Moves the specified activity to the first slot of a section.
 i_move_activity_to_section_yui ($activityname, $sectionnumber)
 Moves the specified activity to the first slot of a section using the YUI course format.
 i_move_category_to_top_level_in_the_management_interface ($name)
 Move selected categories to top level in the management interface.
 i_move_down_section ($sectionnumber)
 Moves down the specified section, this step only works with Javascript disabled.
 i_move_up_section ($sectionnumber)
 Moves up the specified section, this step only works with Javascript disabled.
 i_navigate_to_course_participants ()
 Go to the course participants.
 i_open_actions_menu ($activityname)
 Opens an activity actions menu if it is not already opened.
 i_open_section_edit_menu ($sectionnumber)
 Opens a section edit menu if it is not already opened.
 i_open_the_action_menu_for_item_in_management_category_listing ($name)
 Locates a category in the course category management interface and then opens action menu for it.
 i_open_the_activity_chooser ()
 Open the activity chooser in a course.
 i_select_category_in_the_management_interface ($name)
 Clicks on a category checkbox in the management interface, if not checked.
 i_select_course_in_the_management_interface ($name)
 Clicks course checkbox in the management interface, if not checked.
 i_should_not_see_category_as_subcategory_of_in_the_management_interface ($subcatidnumber, $catidnumber)
 Checks that a category is not a subcategory of specific category.
 i_should_not_see_teacher_after ($fteacher, $pteacher)
 Check that one teacher oes not appears after another in the course contacts.
 i_should_see_category_as_subcategory_of_in_the_management_interface ($subcatidnumber, $catidnumber)
 Checks that a category is a subcategory of specific category.
 i_should_see_category_listing_before ($preceedingcategory, $followingcategory)
 Check that one category appears before another in the course category management listings.
 i_should_see_course_listing_before ($preceedingcourse, $followingcourse)
 Check that one course appears before another in the course category management listings.
 i_should_see_teacher_before ($pteacher, $fteacher)
 Check that one teacher appears before another in the course contacts.
 i_should_see_the_courses_management_page ($mode)
 Checks that we are on the course management page that we expect to be on and that no course has been selected.
 i_should_see_the_courses_management_page_with_a_course_selected ($mode)
 Checks that we are on the course management page that we expect to be on and that a course has been selected.
 i_show_section ($sectionnumber)
 Shows the specified hidden section.
 i_toggle_category_children_visibility_in_frontpage ($categoryname)
 Clicks to expand or collapse a category displayed on the frontpage.
 i_toggle_visibility_of_category_in_management_listing ($idnumber)
 Toggles the visibility of a category in the management UI.
 i_toggle_visibility_of_course_in_management_listing ($idnumber)
 Toggles the visibility of a course in the management UI.
 i_turn_section_highlighting_off ($sectionnumber)
 Turns course section highlighting off.
 i_turn_section_highlighting_on ($sectionnumber)
 Turns course section highlighting on.
 i_unselect_category_in_the_management_interface ($name)
 Clicks on a category checkbox in the management interface, if checked.
 i_unselect_course_in_the_management_interface ($name)
 Clicks course checkbox in the management interface, if checked.
 i_wait_until_section_is_available ($sectionnumber)
 Waits until the section is available to interact with it.
 is_course_editor ()
 Returns whether the user can edit the course contents or not.
 is_editing_on ()
 Returns whether the user can edit the course contents and the editing mode is on.
 label_should_be_hidden ($activityname)
 Checks that the specified label is hidden from students.
 listing_is_highlighted ($self, $selector)
 Used by spin to determine the callback has been highlighted.
 section_activities_should_be_hidden ($sectionnumber)
 Checks that all actiities in the specified section are hidden.
 section_exists ($sectionnumber)
 Checks if the course section exists.
 section_should_be_hidden ($sectionnumber)
 Checks that the specified section is visible.
 section_should_be_highlighted ($sectionnumber)
 Checks if the specified course section hightlighting is turned on.
 section_should_be_visible ($sectionnumber)
 Checks that the specified section is visible.
 section_should_not_be_highlighted ($sectionnumber)
 Checks if the specified course section highlighting is turned off.
 show_section_link_exists ($sectionnumber)
 Returns the show section icon or throws an exception.
 user_clicks_on_management_listing_action ($listingtype, $listingnode, $action)
 Finds the node to use for a management listitem action and clicks it.
 user_moves_listing_by_one ($listingtype, $listingnode, $direction, $highlight=true)
 Moves a course or category listing within the management interface up or down by one.