Moodle APIs 3.9
Moodle 3.9.13+ (Build: 20220325)
This file contains the library of functions and constants for the lti module. More...
Functions | |
get_tag ($tagname, $xpath, $attribute=null) | |
Search for a tag within an XML DOMDocument. More... | |
get_tool_proxy_edit_url (stdClass $proxy) | |
Returns the edit url for the given tool proxy. More... | |
get_tool_proxy_urls (stdClass $proxy) | |
Returns the icon and edit urls for the tool proxy. More... | |
get_tool_type_capability_groups ($type) | |
Returns a summary of each LTI capability this tool type requires in plain language. More... | |
get_tool_type_config ($type) | |
Returns information on the configuration of the tool type. More... | |
get_tool_type_course_url (stdClass $type) | |
Returns the course url for the given tool type. More... | |
get_tool_type_edit_url (stdClass $type) | |
Returns the edit url for the given tool type. More... | |
get_tool_type_icon_url (stdClass $type) | |
Returns the icon for the given tool type. More... | |
get_tool_type_instance_ids ($type) | |
Returns the ids of each instance of this tool type. More... | |
get_tool_type_state_info (stdClass $type) | |
Returns information on the current state of the tool type. More... | |
get_tool_type_urls (stdClass $type) | |
Returns the icon and edit urls for the tool type and the course url if it is a course type. More... | |
lti_add_config ($config) | |
Add a tool configuration in the database. More... | |
lti_add_tool_proxy ($config) | |
Update the database with a tool proxy instance. More... | |
lti_add_type ($type, $config) | |
lti_build_content_item_selection_request ($id, $course, moodle_url $returnurl, $title='', $text='', $mediatypes=[], $presentationtargets=[], $autocreate=false, $multiple=false, $unsigned=false, $canconfirm=false, $copyadvice=false, $nonce='') | |
Builds a standard LTI Content-Item selection request. More... | |
lti_build_custom_parameters ($toolproxy, $tool, $instance, $params, $customstr, $instructorcustomstr, $islti2) | |
This function builds the custom parameters. More... | |
lti_build_login_request ($courseid, $id, $instance, $config, $messagetype) | |
Prepares an LTI 1.3 login request. More... | |
lti_build_registration_request ($toolproxy) | |
Gets the parameters for the regirstration request. More... | |
lti_build_request ($instance, $typeconfig, $course, $typeid=null, $islti2=false) | |
This function builds the request that must be sent to the tool producer. More... | |
lti_build_request_lti2 ($tool, $params) | |
This function builds the request that must be sent to an LTI 2 tool provider. More... | |
lti_build_sourcedid ($instanceid, $userid, $servicesalt, $typeid=null, $launchid=null) | |
Build source ID. More... | |
lti_build_standard_message ($instance, $orgid, $ltiversion, $messagetype='basic-lti-launch-request') | |
This function builds the standard parameters for an LTI message that must be sent to the tool producer. More... | |
lti_build_standard_request ($instance, $orgid, $islti2, $messagetype='basic-lti-launch-request') | |
This function builds the standard parameters for an LTI 1 or 2 request that must be sent to the tool producer. More... | |
lti_calculate_custom_parameter ($value) | |
Calculates the value of a custom parameter that has not been specified earlier. More... | |
lti_convert_content_items ($param) | |
Converts the new Deep-Linking format for Content-Items to the old format. More... | |
lti_convert_from_jwt ($typeid, $jwtparam) | |
Verfies the JWT and converts its claims to their equivalent message parameter. More... | |
lti_delete_tool_proxy ($id) | |
Delete a Tool Proxy. More... | |
lti_delete_type ($id) | |
Delete a Basic LTI configuration. More... | |
lti_ensure_url_is_https ($url) | |
lti_filter_get_types ($course) | |
Returns all basicLTI tools configured by the administrator. More... | |
lti_filter_tool_proxy_types (array $toolproxies, $state) | |
Given an array of tool proxies, filter them based on their state. More... | |
lti_filter_tool_types (array $tools, $state) | |
Given an array of tools, filter them based on their state. More... | |
lti_force_type_config_settings ($instance, array $typeconfig) | |
Enforce type config settings onto the LTI instance. More... | |
lti_get_best_tool_by_url ($url, $tools, $courseid=null) | |
lti_get_capabilities () | |
Initializes an array with the capabilities supported by the LTI module. More... | |
lti_get_config ($ltiobject) | |
Transforms a basic LTI object to an array. More... | |
lti_get_configured_types ($courseid, $sectionreturn=0) | |
Returns a list of configured types in the given course. More... | |
lti_get_contexts ($json) | |
Extracts the named contexts from a tool proxy. More... | |
lti_get_custom_parameters ($toolproxy, $tool, $params, $parameters) | |
Adds the custom parameters to an array. More... | |
lti_get_domain_from_url ($url) | |
lti_get_enabled_capabilities ($tool) | |
Extracts the enabled capabilities into an array, including those implicitly declared in a parameter. More... | |
lti_get_fqid ($contexts, $id) | |
Converts an ID to a fully-qualified ID. More... | |
lti_get_ims_role ($user, $cmid, $courseid, $islti2) | |
Gets the IMS role string for the specified user and LTI course module. More... | |
lti_get_instance_type (object $instance) | |
Return the type of the instance, using domain matching if no explicit type is set. More... | |
lti_get_jwt_claim_mapping () | |
Return the mapping for standard message parameters to JWT claim. More... | |
lti_get_jwt_message_type_mapping () | |
Return the mapping for standard message types to JWT message_type claim. More... | |
lti_get_launch_container ($lti, $toolconfig) | |
lti_get_launch_data ($instance, $nonce='') | |
Return the launch data required for opening the external tool. More... | |
lti_get_lti_types_by_course ($courseid, $coursevisible=null) | |
Returns all lti types visible in this course. More... | |
lti_get_organizationid ($typeconfig) | |
get Organization ID using default if no value provided More... | |
lti_get_permitted_service_scopes ($type, $typeconfig) | |
Initializes an array with the scopes for services supported by the LTI module. More... | |
lti_get_service_by_name ($servicename) | |
Initializes an instance of the named service. More... | |
lti_get_service_by_resource_id ($services, $resourceid) | |
Finds a service by id. More... | |
lti_get_services () | |
Initializes an array with the services supported by the LTI module. More... | |
lti_get_shared_secrets_by_key ($key) | |
lti_get_tool_by_url_match ($url, $courseid=null, $state=LTI_TOOL_STATE_CONFIGURED) | |
lti_get_tool_proxies ($orphanedonly) | |
Returns lti tool proxies. More... | |
lti_get_tool_proxies_from_registration_url ($regurl) | |
Get the tool proxy instance given its registration URL. More... | |
lti_get_tool_proxy ($id) | |
Generates some of the tool proxy configuration based on the admin configuration details. More... | |
lti_get_tool_proxy_config ($id) | |
Generates some of the tool proxy configuration based on the admin configuration details. More... | |
lti_get_tool_proxy_from_guid ($toolproxyguid) | |
Get the tool proxy instance given its GUID. More... | |
lti_get_tool_proxy_table ($toolproxies, $id) | |
This function builds the tab for a category of tool proxies. More... | |
lti_get_tool_settings ($toolproxyid, $courseid=null, $instanceid=null) | |
Gets the tool settings. More... | |
lti_get_tool_table ($tools, $id) | |
lti_get_tools_by_domain ($domain, $state=null, $courseid=null) | |
lti_get_tools_by_url ($url, $state, $courseid=null) | |
lti_get_type ($typeid) | |
lti_get_type_config ($typeid) | |
Returns configuration details for the tool. More... | |
lti_get_type_config_by_instance ($instance) | |
Fetches LTI type configuration for an LTI instance. More... | |
lti_get_type_config_from_instance ($id) | |
Generates some of the tool configuration based on the instance details. More... | |
lti_get_type_type_config ($id) | |
Generates some of the tool configuration based on the admin configuration details. More... | |
lti_get_types_for_add_instance () | |
Returns tool types for lti add instance and edit page. More... | |
lti_get_url_thumbprint ($url) | |
lti_initiate_login ($courseid, $id, $instance, $config, $messagetype='basic-lti-launch-request', $title='', $text='') | |
Generate the form for initiating a login request for an LTI 1.3 message. More... | |
lti_is_cartridge ($url) | |
Determines if the given url is for a IMS basic cartridge. More... | |
lti_launch_tool ($instance) | |
Launch an external tool activity. More... | |
lti_load_cartridge ($url, $map, $propertiesmap=array()) | |
Search for a tag within an XML DOMDocument. More... | |
lti_load_tool_from_cartridge ($url, $lti) | |
Allows you to load in the configuration for an external tool from an IMS cartridge. More... | |
lti_load_tool_if_cartridge ($lti) | |
Loads the cartridge information into the new tool, if the launch url is for a cartridge file. More... | |
lti_load_type_from_cartridge ($url, $type) | |
Allows you to load settings for an external tool type from an IMS cartridge. More... | |
lti_load_type_if_cartridge ($type) | |
Loads the cartridge information into the tool type, if the launch url is for a cartridge file. More... | |
lti_log_request ($rawbody) | |
Logs the request to a file in temp dir. More... | |
lti_log_response ($responsexml, $e=null) | |
Log an LTI response. More... | |
lti_map_keyname ($key, $tolower=true) | |
Used for building the names of the different custom parameters. More... | |
lti_new_access_token ($typeid, $scopes) | |
Create a new access token. More... | |
lti_parse_custom_parameter ($toolproxy, $tool, $params, $value, $islti2) | |
Parse a custom parameter to replace any substitution variables. More... | |
lti_post_launch_html ($newparms, $endpoint, $debug=false) | |
Posts the launch petition HTML. More... | |
lti_prepare_type_for_save ($type, $config) | |
lti_register ($toolproxy) | |
Prepares an LTI registration request message. More... | |
lti_request_is_using_ssl () | |
lti_set_state_for_type ($id, $state) | |
lti_set_tool_settings ($settings, $toolproxyid, $courseid=null, $instanceid=null) | |
Sets the tool settings (. More... | |
lti_should_log_request ($rawbody) | |
Determines if we should try to log the request. More... | |
lti_sign_jwt ($parms, $endpoint, $oauthconsumerkey, $typeid=0, $nonce='') | |
Converts the message paramters to their equivalent JWT claim and signs the payload to launch the external tool using JWT. More... | |
lti_sign_parameters ($oldparms, $endpoint, $method, $oauthconsumerkey, $oauthconsumersecret) | |
Signs the petition to launch the external tool using OAuth. More... | |
lti_split_custom_parameters ($toolproxy, $tool, $params, $customstr, $islti2=false) | |
Splits the custom parameters field to the various parameters. More... | |
lti_tool_configuration_from_content_item ($typeid, $messagetype, $ltiversion, $consumerkey, $contentitemsjson) | |
Processes the tool provider's response to the ContentItemSelectionRequest and builds the configuration data from the selected content item. More... | |
lti_update_config ($config) | |
Updates a tool configuration in the database. More... | |
lti_update_tool_proxy ($toolproxy) | |
Updates a tool proxy in the database. More... | |
lti_update_type ($type, $config) | |
lti_verify_jwt_signature ($typeid, $consumerkey, $jwtparam) | |
Verifies the JWT signature of an incoming message. More... | |
lti_verify_oauth_signature ($typeid, $consumerkey) | |
Verifies the OAuth signature of an incoming message. More... | |
lti_verify_with_keyset ($jwtparam, $keyseturl, $clientid) | |
Verifies the JWT signature using a JWK keyset. More... | |
serialise_tool_proxy (stdClass $proxy) | |
Serialises this tool proxy. More... | |
serialise_tool_type (stdClass $type) | |
Serialises this tool type. More... | |
This file contains the library of functions and constants for the lti module.