Moodle APIs 3.9
Moodle 3.9.13+ (Build: 20220325)
upgrade.php File Reference

This file keeps track of upgrades to the section links block. More...


moodle_database xmldb_block_section_links_upgrade ($oldversion, $block)
 Upgrade code for the section links block. More...

Detailed Description

This file keeps track of upgrades to the section links block.

Sometimes, changes between versions involve alterations to database structures and other major things that may break installations.

The upgrade function in this file will attempt to perform all the necessary actions to upgrade your older installation to the current version.

If there's something it cannot do itself, it will tell you what you need to do.

The commands in here will all be database-neutral, using the methods of database_manager class

Please do not forget to use upgrade_set_timeout() before any action that may take longer time to finish.

Moodle 2.5
License GNU GPL v3 or later