Moodle APIs 3.9
Moodle 3.9.13+ (Build: 20220325)
locallib.php File Reference

Private url module utility functions. More...


 url_appears_valid_url ($url)
 This methods does weak url validation, we are looking for major problems only, no strict RFE validation. More...
 url_display_embed ($url, $cm, $course)
 Display embedded url file. More...
 url_display_frame ($url, $cm, $course)
 Display url frames. More...
 url_filter_callback ($matches)
 Unicode encoding helper callback.
 url_fix_submitted_url ($url)
 Fix common URL problems that we want teachers to see fixed the next time they edit the resource. More...
 url_get_encrypted_parameter ($url, $config)
 BC internal function. More...
 url_get_final_display_type ($url)
 Decide the best display format. More...
 url_get_full_url ($url, $cm, $course, $config=null)
 Return full url with all extra parameters. More...
 url_get_variable_options ($config)
 Get the parameters that may be appended to URL. More...
 url_get_variable_values ($url, $cm, $course, $config)
 Get the parameter values that may be appended to URL. More...
 url_guess_icon ($fullurl, $size=null)
 Optimised mimetype detection from general URL. More...
 url_print_header ($url, $cm, $course)
 Print url header. More...
 url_print_heading ($url, $cm, $course, $notused=false)
 Print url heading. More...
 url_print_intro ($url, $cm, $course, $ignoresettings=false)
 Print url introduction. More...
 url_print_workaround ($url, $cm, $course)
 Print url info and link. More...

Detailed Description

Private url module utility functions.

License GNU GPL v3 or later