Moodle APIs 3.9
Moodle 3.9.13+ (Build: 20220325)
locallib.php File Reference

HTML import lib. More...


 toolbook_importhtml_fix_encoding ($html)
 Convert some html content to utf8, getting original encoding from html headers. More...
 toolbook_importhtml_fix_path ($path)
 Normalize paths to be absolute. More...
 toolbook_importhtml_get_chapter_files ($package, $type)
 Returns all the html files (chapters) from a file package. More...
 toolbook_importhtml_import_chapters ($package, $type, $book, $context, $verbose=true)
 Import HTML pages packaged into one zip archive. More...
 toolbook_importhtml_parse_body ($html)
 Extract the body from any html contents. More...
 toolbook_importhtml_parse_headings ($html)
 Parse the headings of the imported package of type 'typeonefile' (currently unsupported) More...
 toolbook_importhtml_parse_styles ($html)
 Parse the links to external css sheets of the imported html content. More...
 toolbook_importhtml_parse_title ($html, $default)
 Extract the title of any html content, getting it from the title tag. More...

Detailed Description

HTML import lib.

License GNU GPL v3 or later