Moodle APIs 3.9
Moodle 3.9.13+ (Build: 20220325)
locallib.php File Reference

Library of internal classes and functions for module workshop. More...


class  workshop
 Full-featured workshop API. More...
class  workshop_assessment
 Represents a rendarable full assessment. More...
class  workshop_assessment_base
 Common base class for assessments rendering. More...
class  workshop_example_assessment
 Represents a renderable training assessment of an example submission. More...
class  workshop_example_reference_assessment
 Represents a renderable reference assessment of an example submission. More...
class  workshop_example_submission
 Renderable object containing all the information needed to display the example submission. More...
class  workshop_example_submission_summary
 Renderable object containing a basic set of information needed to display the example submission summary. More...
class  workshop_feedback
 Base class for renderable feedback for author and feedback for reviewer. More...
class  workshop_feedback_author
 Renderable feedback for the author of submission. More...
class  workshop_feedback_reviewer
 Renderable feedback for the reviewer. More...
class  workshop_final_grades
 Holds the final grades for the activity as are stored in the gradebook. More...
class  workshop_grading_report
 Renderable component containing all the data needed to display the grading report. More...
class  workshop_message
 Renderable message to be displayed to the user. More...
class  workshop_submission
 Renderable object containing all the information needed to display the submission. More...
class  workshop_submission_base
 Common base class for submissions and example submissions rendering. More...
class  workshop_submission_summary
 Renderable object containing a basic set of information needed to display the submission summary. More...
class  workshop_user_plan
 Represents the user planner tool. More...

Detailed Description

Library of internal classes and functions for module workshop.

All the workshop specific functions, needed to implement the module logic, should go to here. Instead of having bunch of function named workshop_something() taking the workshop instance as the first parameter, we use a class workshop that provides all methods.

License GNU GPL v3 or later