Moodle APIs 3.9
Moodle 3.9.13+ (Build: 20220325)
modlib.php File Reference

Library of functions specific to course/modedit.php and course API functions. More...


 add_moduleinfo ($moduleinfo, $course, $mform=null)
 Add course module. More...
 can_add_moduleinfo ($course, $modulename, $section)
 Check that the user can add a module. More...
 can_update_moduleinfo ($cm)
 Check if user is allowed to update module info and returns related item/data to the module. More...
 edit_module_post_actions ($moduleinfo, $course)
 Common create/update module module actions that need to be processed as soon as a module is created/updaded. More...
 get_moduleinfo_data ($cm, $course)
 Get module information data required for updating the module. More...
 include_modulelib ($modulename)
 Include once the module lib file. More...
 plugin_extend_coursemodule_edit_post_actions ($moduleinfo, $course)
 Hook for plugins to take action when a module is created or updated. More...
 prepare_new_moduleinfo_data ($course, $modulename, $section)
 Prepare the standard module information for a new module instance. More...
 set_moduleinfo_defaults ($moduleinfo)
 Set module info default values for the unset module attributs. More...
 update_moduleinfo ($cm, $moduleinfo, $course, $mform=null)
 Update the module info. More...

Detailed Description

Library of functions specific to course/modedit.php and course API functions.

The course API function calling them are course/lib.php:create_module() and update_module(). This file has been created has an alternative solution to a full refactor of course/modedit.php in order to create the course API functions.

License GNU GPL v3 or later