Moodle APIs 3.9
Moodle 3.9.13+ (Build: 20220325)
Classes | Functions | Variables
weblib.php File Reference

Library of functions for web output. More...


class  combined_progress_trace
 Special type of trace that can be used for redirecting to multiple other traces. More...
class  error_log_progress_trace
 This subclass of progress_trace outputs to error log. More...
class  html_list_progress_trace
 HTML List Progress Tree. More...
class  html_progress_trace
 This subclass of progress_trace outputs as HTML. More...
class  moodle_url
 Class for creating and manipulating urls. More...
class  null_progress_trace
 This subclass of progress_trace does not ouput anything. More...
class  progress_trace
 Progress trace class. More...
class  progress_trace_buffer
 Special type of trace that can be used for catching of output of other traces. More...
class  text_progress_trace
 This subclass of progress_trace outputs to plain text. More...


 addslashes_js ($var)
 Does proper javascript quoting. More...
 break_up_long_words ($string, $maxsize=20, $cutchar=' ')
 Given some normal text this function will break up any long words to a given size by inserting the given character. More...
 clean_text ($text, $format=FORMAT_HTML, $options=array())
 Cleans raw text removing nasties. More...
 close_window ($delay=0, $reloadopener=false)
 Try and close the current window using JavaScript, either immediately, or after a delay. More...
 content_to_text ($content, $contentformat)
 Converts texts or strings to plain text. More...
 data_submitted ()
 Determine if there is data waiting to be processed from a form. More...
 debugging ($message='', $level=DEBUG_NORMAL, $backtrace=null)
 Standard Debugging Function. More...
 extract_draft_file_urls_from_text ($text, $forcehttps=false, $contextid=null, $component=null, $filearea=null, $itemid=null, $filename=null)
 Factory method for extracting draft file links from arbitrary text using regular expressions. More...
 fix_align_rtl ($align)
 Returns swapped left<=> right if in RTL environment. More...
 format_module_intro ($module, $activity, $cmid, $filter=true)
 Formats activity intro text. More...
 format_string ($string, $striplinks=true, $options=null)
 Given a simple string, this function returns the string processed by enabled string filters if $CFG->filterall is enabled. More...
 format_text ($text, $format=FORMAT_MOODLE, $options=null, $courseiddonotuse=null)
 Given text in a variety of format codings, this function returns the text as safe HTML. More...
 format_text_email ($text, $format)
 Given text in a variety of format codings, this function returns the text as plain text suitable for plain email. More...
 format_text_menu ()
 Just returns an array of text formats suitable for a popup menu. More...
 get_accesshide ($text, $elem='span', $class='', $attrs='')
 Return a HTML element with the class "accesshide", for accessibility. More...
 get_file_argument ()
 Extracts file argument either from file parameter or PATH_INFO. More...
 get_formatted_help_string ($identifier, $component, $ajax=false, $a=null)
 Get the value of a help string fully prepared for display in the current language. More...
 get_group_picture_url ($group, $courseid, $large=false, $includetoken=false)
 Return the url to the group picture. More...
 get_html_lang ($dir=false)
 Return a string containing 'lang', xml:lang and optionally 'dir' HTML attributes. More...
 get_local_referer ($stripquery=true)
 Returns the cleaned local URL of the HTTP_REFERER less the URL query string parameters if required. More...
 get_separator ()
 Return the breadcrumb trail navigation separator. More...
 highlight ($needle, $haystack, $matchcase=false, $prefix='< span class="highlight">', $suffix='</span >')
 This function will highlight search words in a given string. More...
 highlightfast ($needle, $haystack)
 This function will highlight instances of $needle in $haystack. More...
 html_to_text ($html, $width=75, $dolinks=true)
 Given HTML text, make it into plain text using external function. More...
 is_https ()
 Determines whether or not the Moodle site is being served over HTTPS. More...
 is_in_popup ()
 Returns true if the page is displayed in a popup window. More...
 link_arrow_left ($text, $url='', $accesshide=false, $addclass='', $addparams=[])
 Return the left arrow with text ('previous'), and optionally embedded in a link. More...
 link_arrow_right ($text, $url='', $accesshide=false, $addclass='', $addparams=[])
 Return the right arrow with text ('next'), and optionally embedded in a link. More...
 markdown_to_html ($text)
 Given Markdown formatted text, make it into XHTML using external function. More...
 mdie ($msg='', $errorcode=1)
 Print an error to STDOUT and exit with a non-zero code. More...
 me ()
 Returns the name of the current script, WITH the querystring portion. More...
 navmenulist ($course, $sections, $modinfo, $strsection, $strjumpto, $width=50, $cmid=0)
 Returns a popup menu with course activity modules. More...
 notice ($message, $link='', $course=null)
 Print a message and exit. More...
 obfuscate_email ($email)
 Given an email address, this function will return an obfuscated version of it. More...
 obfuscate_mailto ($email, $label='', $dimmed=false, $subject='', $body='')
 This function uses the obfuscate_email() and obfuscate_text() to generate a fully obfuscated email link, ready to use. More...
 obfuscate_text ($plaintext)
 This function takes some text and replaces about half of the characters with HTML entity equivalents. More...
 p ($var)
 Add quotes to HTML characters. More...
 page_doc_link ($text='')
 Returns a string containing a link to the user documentation for the current page. More...
 page_get_doc_link_path (moodle_page $page)
 Returns the path to use when constructing a link to the docs. More...
 print_collapsible_region ($contents, $classes, $id, $caption, $userpref='', $default=false, $return=false)
 Print (or return) a collapsible region, that has a caption that can be clicked to expand or collapse the region. More...
 print_collapsible_region_end ($return=false)
 Close a region started with print_collapsible_region_start. More...
 print_collapsible_region_start ($classes, $id, $caption, $userpref='', $default=false, $return=false, $extracontent=null)
 Print (or return) the start of a collapsible region. More...
 print_grade_menu ($courseid, $name, $current, $includenograde=true, $return=false)
 Prints a grade menu (as part of an existing form) with help showing all possible numerical grades and scales. More...
 print_group_picture ($group, $courseid, $large=false, $return=false, $link=true, $includetoken=false)
 Print a specified group's avatar. More...
 print_location_comment ($file, $line, $return=false)
 Outputs a HTML comment to the browser. More...
 print_maintenance_message ()
 Prints a maintenance message from $CFG->maintenance_message or default if empty.
 print_password_policy ()
 Returns a localized sentence in the current language summarizing the current password policy. More...
 print_recent_activity_note ($time, $user, $text, $link, $return=false, $viewfullnames=null)
 Display a recent activity note. More...
 print_tabs ($tabrows, $selected=null, $inactive=null, $activated=null, $return=false)
 Returns a string containing a nested list, suitable for formatting into tabs with CSS. More...
 purify_html ($text, $options=array())
 KSES replacement cleaning function - uses HTML Purifier. More...
 qualified_me ()
 Guesses the full URL of the current script. More...
 rebuildnolinktag ($text)
 This function is used to rebuild the <nolink> tag because some formats (PLAIN and WIKI) will transform it to html entities. More...
 redirect ($url, $message='', $delay=null, $messagetype=core\output\notification::NOTIFY_INFO)
 Redirects the user to another page, after printing a notice. More...
 replace_ampersands_not_followed_by_entity ($string)
 Given a string, performs a negative lookahead looking for any ampersand character that is not followed by a proper HTML entity. More...
 reset_text_filters_cache ($phpunitreset=false)
 Resets some data related to filters, called during upgrade or when general filter settings change. More...
 right_to_left ()
 Returns true if the user is using a right-to-left language. More...
 s ($var)
 Add quotes to HTML characters. More...
 send_headers ($contenttype, $cacheable=true)
 Send the HTTP headers that Moodle requires. More...
 set_debugging ($level, $debugdisplay=null)
 Alter debugging level for the current request, the change is not saved in database. More...
 strip_links ($string)
 Given a string, replaces all . More...
 strip_pluginfile_content ($source)
 Removes the usage of Moodle files from a text. More...
 strip_querystring ($url)
 Remove query string from url. More...
 text_to_html ($text, $smileyignored=null, $para=true, $newlines=true)
 Given plain text, makes it into HTML as nicely as possible. More...
 trusttext_active ()
 Is trusttext feature active? More...
 trusttext_pre_edit ($object, $field, $context)
 Must be called before editing of all texts with trust flag. More...
 trusttext_trusted ($context)
 Is current user trusted to enter no dangerous XSS in this context? More...
 validate_email ($address)
 Validates an email to make sure it makes sense. More...
 wikify_links ($string)
 This expression turns links into something nice in a text format. More...


const FORMAT_HTML '1'
 Plain HTML (with some tags stripped).
 Markdown-formatted text
 Does all sorts of transformations and filtering.
const FORMAT_PLAIN '2'
 Plain text (even tags are printed in full).
const FORMAT_WIKI '3'
 Wiki-formatted text. More...
 A moodle_url comparison using this flag will return true if the base URLs match, params are ignored.
 A moodle_url comparison using this flag will return true if the two URLs are identical, except for the order of the params.
 A moodle_url comparison using this flag will return true if the base URLs match and the params of url1 are part of url2.

Detailed Description

Library of functions for web output.

Library of all general-purpose Moodle PHP functions and constants that produce HTML output

Other main libraries:

@subpackage lib

License GNU GPL v3 or later