Moodle APIs 3.9
Moodle 3.9.13+ (Build: 20220325)
Classes | Functions
locallib.php File Reference

Auxiliary manual user enrolment lib, the main purpose is to lower memory requirements... More...


class  enrol_manual_current_participant
 Enrolled users. More...
class  enrol_manual_deleteselectedusers_operation
 A bulk operation for the manual enrolment plugin to delete selected users enrolments. More...
class  enrol_manual_editselectedusers_operation
 A bulk operation for the manual enrolment plugin to edit selected users. More...
class  enrol_manual_potential_participant
 Enrol candidates. More...


 enrol_manual_get_potential_cohorts ($context, $enrolid, $search='', $page=0, $perpage=25, $addedenrollment=0)
 Gets an array of the cohorts that can be enrolled in this course. More...
 enrol_manual_migrate_plugin_enrolments ($enrol)
 Migrates all enrolments of the given plugin to enrol_manual plugin, this is used for example during plugin uninstallation. More...

Detailed Description

Auxiliary manual user enrolment lib, the main purpose is to lower memory requirements...

License GNU GPL v3 or later