Moodle APIs 3.9
Moodle 3.9.13+ (Build: 20220325)
lib.php File Reference

This page lists public api for tool_monitor plugin. More...


 tool_monitor_can_subscribe ()
 Check if the user has the capacity to subscribe to an event monitor anywhere. More...
 tool_monitor_extend_navigation_course ($navigation, $course, $context)
 This function extends the navigation with the tool items. More...
 tool_monitor_extend_navigation_frontpage ($navigation, $course, $context)
 This function extends the navigation with the tool items. More...
 tool_monitor_extend_navigation_user_settings ($navigation, $user, $usercontext, $course, $coursecontext)
 This function extends the navigation with the tool items for user settings node. More...
 tool_monitor_get_user_courses ()
 Get a list of courses and also include 'Site' for site wide rules. More...

Detailed Description

This page lists public api for tool_monitor plugin.

License GNU GPL v3 or later