Moodle APIs 3.9
Moodle 3.9.13+ (Build: 20220325)
Functions | Variables
deprecatedlib.php File Reference


 forum_convert_to_roles ()
 forum_count_replies ($post, $children=true)
 Count the number of replies to the specified post. More...
 forum_count_unrated_posts ()
 forum_cron ()
 Function to be run periodically according to the scheduled task. More...
 forum_cron_minimise_user_record (stdClass $user)
 Removes properties from user record that are not necessary for sending post notifications. More...
 forum_forcesubscribe ($forumid, $value=1)
 forum_get_child_posts ()
 forum_get_discussion_posts ()
 forum_get_forcesubscribed ($forum)
 forum_get_open_modes ()
 forum_get_optional_subscribed_forums ()
 forum_get_potential_subscribers ()
 forum_get_ratings ()
 forum_get_subscribed_forums ()
 forum_get_tracking_link ()
 forum_get_user_discussions ()
 forum_get_user_grades ($forum, $userid=0)
 Return grade for given user or all users. More...
 forum_is_forcesubscribed ($forum)
 Determine whether the forum is force subscribed. More...
 forum_is_subscribed ()
 forum_make_mail_html ($course, $cm, $forum, $discussion, $post, $userfrom, $userto, $replyaddress=null)
 Builds and returns the body of the email notification in html format. More...
 forum_make_mail_post ($course, $cm, $forum, $discussion, $post, $userfrom, $userto, $ownpost=false, $reply=false, $link=false, $rate=false, $footer="")
 Given the data about a posting, builds up the HTML to display it and returns the HTML in a string. More...
 forum_make_mail_text ($course, $cm, $forum, $discussion, $post, $userfrom, $userto, $bare=false, $replyaddress=null)
 Builds and returns the body of the email notification in plain text. More...
 forum_post_nesting_cache ()
 Return a static array of posts that are open. More...
 forum_print_discussion ($course, $cm, $forum, $discussion, $post, $mode, $canreply=NULL, $canrate=false)
 Prints a forum discussion. More...
 forum_print_latest_discussions ($course, $forum, $maxdiscussions=-1, $displayformat='plain', $sort='', $currentgroup=-1, $groupmode=-1, $page=-1, $perpage=100, $cm=null)
 Prints the discussion view screen for a forum. More...
object forum_print_post ($post, $discussion, $forum, &$cm, $course, $ownpost=false, $reply=false, $link=false, $footer="", $highlight="", $postisread=null, $dummyifcantsee=true, $istracked=null, $return=false)
 Print a forum post This function should always be surrounded with calls to forum_print_post_start and forum_print_post_end to create the surrounding container for the post. More...
 forum_print_post_end ($post, $return=false)
 End a forum post container. More...
 forum_print_post_start ($post, $return=false)
 Start a forum post container. More...
object forum_print_posts_flat ($course, &$cm, $forum, $discussion, $post, $mode, $reply, $forumtracked, $posts)
 @global object @uses FORUM_MODE_FLATNEWEST More...
object forum_print_posts_nested ($course, &$cm, $forum, $discussion, $parent, $reply, $forumtracked, $posts)
object forum_print_posts_threaded ($course, &$cm, $forum, $discussion, $parent, $depth, $reply, $forumtracked, $posts)
 forum_scale_used ()
 forum_shorten_post ($message)
 forum_should_end_post_nesting ($id)
 Return true when all the opens are nested with a close. More...
 forum_should_start_post_nesting ($id)
 Return true for the first time this post was started. More...
 forum_subscribe ()
 forum_subscribed_users ()
 forum_tp_count_discussion_read_records ()
 forum_tp_count_discussion_unread_posts ()
 forum_tp_count_forum_posts ()
 forum_tp_count_forum_read_records ()
 forum_tp_get_discussion_read_records ()
 forum_tp_get_read_records ()
 forum_unsubscribe ()
 forum_user_can_view_post ()
 forum_user_enrolled ()


 FORUM_TRACKING_ON - deprecated alias for FORUM_TRACKING_FORCED. More...

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