Moodle APIs 3.9
Moodle 3.9.13+ (Build: 20220325)
Classes | Functions
lib.php File Reference

IMS Enterprise file enrolment plugin. More...


class  enrol_imsenterprise_plugin
 IMS Enterprise file enrolment plugin. More...


 can_delete_instance ($instance)
 Is it possible to delete enrol instance via standard UI? More...
 can_hide_show_instance ($instance)
 Is it possible to hide/show enrol instance via standard UI? More...
static decode_timeframe ($string)
 Process the INNER contents of a <timeframe> tag, to return beginning/ending dates. More...
 enrol_imsenterprise_allow_group_member_remove ($itemid, $groupid, $userid)
 Called whenever anybody tries (from the normal interface) to remove a group member which is registered as being created by this component. More...
 load_course_mappings ()
 Load the name mappings (from the config), so we can easily refer to how an IMS-E course properties corresponds to a Moodle course properties.
 load_role_mappings ()
 Load the role mappings (from the config), so we can easily refer to how an IMS-E role corresponds to a Moodle role.
 log_line ($string)
 Store logging information. More...
 process_membership_tag ($tagcontents)
 Process the membership tag. More...
 process_properties_tag ($tagcontents)
 Process the properties tag. More...

Detailed Description

IMS Enterprise file enrolment plugin.

This plugin lets the user specify an IMS Enterprise file to be processed. The IMS Enterprise file is mainly parsed on a regular cron, but can also be imported via the UI (Admin Settings).

Eugene Venter - based on code by Dan Stowell
License GNU GPL v3 or later