Moodle APIs 3.9
Moodle 3.9.13+ (Build: 20220325)
Classes | Functions | Variables
helpers.php File Reference

This file contains helper classes and functions for testing. More...


class  action_event_test_factory
 A test factory that will create action events. More...


 create_action_event (array $data)
 Helper function to create an action event. More...
 create_event ($properties)
 Create a calendar event with the given properties. More...
 create_group_override_event (string $modulename, int $instanceid, int $courseid, int $groupid)
 Helper function to create an group override calendar event. More...
 create_standard_events (int $quantity)
 Helper function to create a x number of events for each event type. More...
 create_user_override_event (string $modulename, int $instanceid, int $userid)
 Helper function to create an user override calendar event. More...


global $CFG

Detailed Description

This file contains helper classes and functions for testing.

License GNU GPL v3 or later