Moodle APIs 3.9
Moodle 3.9.13+ (Build: 20220325)
Classes | Functions
auth.php File Reference

Authentication Plugin: Shibboleth Authentication Authentication using Shibboleth. More...


class  auth_plugin_shibboleth
 Shibboleth authentication plugin. More...


 appendCookieValue ($value, $CookieArray)
 Append a value to the array of IDPs. More...
 generate_cookie_array ($value)
 Generates an array of IDPs using the cookie value. More...
 generate_cookie_value ($CookieArray)
 Generate the value that is stored in the cookie using the list of IDPs. More...
 get_idp_list ($organization_selection)
 Generate array of IdPs from Moodle Shibboleth settings. More...
 set_saml_cookie ($selectedIDP)
 Sets the standard SAML domain cookie that is also used to preselect the right entry on the local way. More...

Detailed Description

Authentication Plugin: Shibboleth Authentication Authentication using Shibboleth.

Distributed under GPL (c)Markus Hagman 2004-2006

Martin Dougiamas
Lukas Haemmerle
License GNU Public License