Moodle APIs 3.9
Moodle 3.9.13+ (Build: 20220325)
Files | Namespaces | Classes


file  coverage.php
 Coverage information for the core_xapi component.
file  handler.php
 The core_xapi statement validation and tansformation.
file  helper.php
 Unit tests helper for xAPI library.
file  iri.php
 xAPI LRS IRI values generator.
file  item.php
 Statement base object for xAPI structure checking and usage.
file  item_activity.php
 Statement activity object for xAPI structure checking and usage.
file  item_actor.php
 Statement actor (user or group) object for xAPI structure checking and usage.
file  item_agent.php
 Statement agent (user) object for xAPI structure checking and usage.
file  item_attachment.php
 Statement attachment for xAPI structure checking and usage.
file  item_context.php
 Statement context for xAPI structure checking and usage.
file  item_definition.php
 Statement definition object for xAPI structure checking and usage.
file  item_group.php
 Statement group object for xAPI structure checking and usage.
file  item_object.php
 Statement object (activity, user or group) for xAPI structure checking and usage.
file  item_result.php
 Statement result for xAPI structure checking and usage.
file  item_score.php
 Statement score for xAPI structure checking and usage.
file  item_verb.php
 Statement verb object for xAPI structure checking and usage.
file  post_statement.php
 This is the external API for generic xAPI handling.
file  provider.php
 Privacy Subsystem implementation for core xAPI Library.
file  statement.php
 Statement base object for xAPI structure checking and validation.
file  xapi_exception.php
 General xAPI invalid statement exception.


namespace  core_xapi
namespace  core_xapi\external
namespace  core_xapi\local
namespace  core_xapi\local\statement
namespace  core_xapi\privacy


class  core_xapi\external\post_statement
 This is the external API for generic xAPI handling. More...
class  core_xapi\handler
 Class handler handles basic xapi statements. More...
class  core_xapi\iri
 Class to translate Moodle objects to xAPI elements. More...
class  core_xapi\local\statement
 Privacy Subsystem for core_xapi implementing null_provider. More...
class  core_xapi\local\statement\item
 Item class used for xAPI statement elements without validation. More...
class  core_xapi\local\statement\item_activity
 Class that implements a xAPI activity compatible with xAPI object. More...
class  core_xapi\local\statement\item_actor
 Abstract xAPI actor class. More...
class  core_xapi\local\statement\item_agent
 Agent xAPI statement element representing a Moodle user. More...
class  core_xapi\local\statement\item_attachment
 Abstract xAPI attachment class. More...
class  core_xapi\local\statement\item_context
 Abstract xAPI context class. More...
class  core_xapi\local\statement\item_definition
 Validation and usage of xAPI definition. More...
class  core_xapi\local\statement\item_group
 Group item inside a xAPI statement. More...
class  core_xapi\local\statement\item_object
 Abstract object item used in xAPI statements. More...
class  core_xapi\local\statement\item_result
 Abstract xAPI result class. More...
class  core_xapi\local\statement\item_score
 Abstract xAPI score class. More...
class  core_xapi\local\statement\item_verb
 Verb xAPI statement item. More...
class  core_xapi\privacy\provider
 Privacy Subsystem for core_xapi implementing null_provider. More...
class  core_xapi\test_helper
 Contains helper functions for xAPI PHPUnit Tests. More...
class  core_xapi\xapi_exception
 General invalid xAPI exception. More...
class  phpunit_coverage_info
 Coverage information for the tool_dataprivacy plugin. More...

Detailed Description