Moodle APIs 3.9
Moodle 3.9.13+ (Build: 20220325)
questionusage.php File Reference

This file defines the question usage class, and a few related classes. More...


class  question_attempt_iterator
 A class abstracting access to the question_usage_by_activity::$questionattempts array. More...
class  question_usage_by_activity
 This class keeps track of a group of questions that are being attempted, and which state, and so on, each one is currently in. More...
class  question_usage_null_observer
 Null implmentation of the question_usage_watcher interface. More...
interface  question_usage_observer
 Interface for things that want to be notified of signficant changes to a question_usage_by_activity. More...

Detailed Description

This file defines the question usage class, and a few related classes.

@subpackage questionengine

License GNU GPL v3 or later