Moodle APIs 3.9
Moodle 3.9.13+ (Build: 20220325)
Classes | Variables
helper.php File Reference

This file contains test helper code for testing the upgrade to the new question engine. More...


class  question_attempt_upgrader_test_base
 Base class for tests that thest the upgrade of one particular attempt and one question. More...
class  test_question_engine_attempt_upgrader
 Subclass of question_engine_attempt_upgrader to help with testing. More...
class  test_question_engine_upgrade_question_loader
 Subclass of question_engine_upgrade_question_loader for unit testing. More...


global $CFG

Detailed Description

This file contains test helper code for testing the upgrade to the new question engine.

The actual tests are organised by question type in files like question/type/truefalse/tests/upgradelibnewqe_test.php.

@subpackage questionengine

License GNU GPL v3 or later