Moodle APIs 3.9
Moodle 3.9.13+ (Build: 20220325)
webdavlib.php File Reference

A Moodle-modified WebDAV client, based on webdav_client v0.1.5, a php based webdav client class. More...


class  webdav_client

Detailed Description

A Moodle-modified WebDAV client, based on webdav_client v0.1.5, a php based webdav client class.

class webdav client. a php based nearly RFC 2518 conforming client.

This class implements methods to get access to an webdav server. Most of the methods are returning boolean false on error, an integer status (http response status) on success or an array in case of a multistatus response (207) from the webdav server. Look at the code which keys are used in arrays. It's your responsibility to handle the webdav server responses in an proper manner. Please notice that all Filenames coming from or going to the webdav server should be UTF-8 encoded (see RFC 2518). This class tries to convert all you filenames into utf-8 when it's needed.

Moodle modifications:

Christian Juerges, Xwave GmbH, Josefstr. 92, 8005 Zuerich - Switzerland
License GNU Lesser General Public License