Moodle APIs 3.9
Moodle 3.9.13+ (Build: 20220325)
messagelib.php File Reference

Functions for interacting with the message system. More...


 message_get_providers_for_user ($userid)
 Returns the active providers for the user specified, based on capability. More...
 message_get_providers_from_db ($component)
 Gets the message providers that are in the database for this component. More...
 message_get_providers_from_file ($component)
 Loads the messages definitions for a component from file. More...
 message_handle_phpunit_redirection (\core\message\message $eventdata, string $table, stdClass $tabledata)
 Helper method containing the PHPUnit specific code, used to redirect and capture messages/notifications. More...
 message_processor_uninstall ($name)
 Uninstall a message processor. More...
 message_provider_uninstall ($component)
 Remove all message providers for particular component and corresponding settings. More...
 message_send (\core\message\message $eventdata)
 message_set_default_message_preference ($component, $messagename, $fileprovider, $processorname='')
 Setting default messaging preferences for particular message provider. More...
 message_update_processors ($processorname)
 This function populates default message preferences for all existing providers when the new message processor is added. More...
 message_update_providers ($component='moodle')
 Updates the message_providers table with the current set of message providers. More...

Detailed Description

Functions for interacting with the message system.

License GNU GPL v3 or later